{Field Trip} •Day 5•

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•~~~•2:34 pm. Saturday. Bakugou's POV•~~~•

Today is the last day of the Field Trip. Everyone in the Hotel Lobby it has to end so soon.

I fidget with my hands out of anxiety and nerves. I want to ask him..but what if he doesn't want to anymore. I rather not risk it. What if he forgot? He's always so forgetful. I don't know what I'd do without him though.

My thoughts jumble together just at the thought. I groan into my hands startling everyone around me. Denki looks at me with concern and worry in his eyes, he puts a hand on my shoulder. "You good bro?"

I nod slowly leaving into his touch. He gives me a bro hug, only friendship in his touch. This is why I'm friends with this dunce face.

I hug him back wanting to just feel a little love. I didn't hear the red head male come up behind us. "Jeez Denks, you stealing my boyfriend?" He says in a playful tone.

"Sorry bro, he seems off, he just needed a hug." hug." Brain Dead says, I can't see their faces but I can hear their tone of voices. I can tell they're all pitying new.

"Hey babes come here." I let go of Dunce Face and snuggle into Eijirou holding him tightly.

He lifts my face up making me look at him in the eyes. "Hey you don't have to talk about it but I wanna help." I nod slightly looking down. He grabs me pulling me into a kiss.

Which I end up leaning back on Electric Pole.

"Maybe I should lay down, so you can use me as a FUCKING PILLOW?!" He says in disgust pushing my back with his feet

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"Maybe I should lay down, so you can use me as a FUCKING PILLOW?!" He says in disgust pushing my back with his feet.

"Ok ok! Sorry dude!" Eiji says blushing a little to much.

"Whatever bro."

Then he gets an idea, "I have an idea! We should get the squad to all come over tomorrow when we get back!" Dunce face says with an actually good idea.

I smirk, "Not actually a bad idea Lightning stick." He grumbles. "Stop calling me those stupid nicknames Kacchan."

Eiji laughs at our interaction pulling me in as I melt into his touch. I can feel the stares from everyone in the room. And I think I heard a camera click go off. But I don't really care right now.

He kisses my forehead as I rest my head on his chest using him as a pillow. I might ask him later but right now. Naps.

I snuggle into him wanting to feel his warmth. He envelopes me in his arms holding me tight.

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