{Field Trip} •Day 1•

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•~~~•7:28 am. Tuesday. Kirishima's POV•~~~•

I wake up earlier than expected.

'Ugh what time is it?'



I quickly jump out of bed forgetting i'm in Bakugou's room still. Bakugou's wakes up with a growl. "What the FUCK. Shitty Hair!"

"I'm sorry Bakugou but-!" I put my head in my hands exasperated.


I quickly run into the hallway. "Pack everything! We have a Field Trip!"

I hear Bakugou yelling in the distance. I'm so forgetful.

•~~~•8:13 am. Bakugou's POV. •~~~•

We are literally screwed and I blame Eijirou.

"You guys are like 15 minutes late! What were you doing??" Says the invisible girl who barley talks.

"Fuckin Eijirou, He-"

Kirishima speaks up. "Well it's my fault because I forgot to tell Kat about the Field Trip since, he fell asleep, and then we woke up late and I didn't tell him to pack and overall it's all my fault, I'm sorry"

Everyone nods an understanding accepting the apology. "It's fine just try not to be late becuase now were gonna miss our reservation for the Hotel if we don't hurry." Ochako says pulling Deku and Iida along.

Kirishima grabs my hand and gives me a small smile. "I'm sorry Baby, I love you." He says kissing my cheek. I blush a bright red.

"I love you too but stop doing that so suddenly! Now come on we're gonan get left behind."

Me and Kirishima board the bus sitting down in one of the spots.

Me and Kirishima board the bus sitting down in one of the spots

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I watch as everyone gets on board. I take the window spot, sitting down. Kirishima looks out the window before speaking to me again, "How about you take a nap before we get there! I feel really bad I woke you up, so go to sleep."

I think it over.

'I mean I have nothing to lose and I am still very tired. That loser made me worry about him so much.'

I nod my head putting the arm rest up on the seats to be more comfortable and I close my eyes, letting my eyes get heavy and sleep pull me in.

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