{Field Trip} •Day 2•

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⚠️(This chapter might contain sensitive content about the LGBTQ+ community, I will put a warning when so you can skip over it)⚠️

•~~~•8:28 am. Wednesday. Kirishima's POV. •~~~•

I wake up on one of the two beds in the room. The bedsheets warm drawing me in to stay. But I can hear Kat in the bathroom getting ready and I would like to do something fun with him today.

I lazily get out of bed stretching my arms over my head yawning slightly. I walk to the bathroom wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hi baby," I say softly kissing his cheek with a toothbrush in his mouth. We ended up sleeping the whole day instead of looking around. So today we have a lot we can do.

"How about you get ready and we go to the beach or something?" He nods his head taking his hand and caressing my cheek.

I walk out opening my luggage and pulling an outfit out. I actually ended up grabbing a whole random clothes so finding soemthing that matched was a challenge. Finally I grab some clothes and put them on. I grab my phone off the night stand unplugging it while checking different things when I see something that catches my eye.

I yell to Kat in the bathroom, "Hey babe! Do you wanna go to a pride parade?" He walks out with a towel around his neck.

"Sure why not, seems fun," he says quietly. "It's today! It's just down town." He takes his towel and ruffles his hair which naturally poofed up in its natural spikes. How the hell does it-

"Hey Kat?" He looks over again. "Yes? You need to start asking questions in convos and not every 2 minutes." I laugh before speaking again, "Whats your sexuality anyway?"

He thinks it's over, "I think Demisexual and Pan." He says with a smile.

That would make sense. I don't think he would care who it is as long as they have a bond like me and him do. He doesn't trust a lot of people.

He looks at me with arched eyebrows. "And you?"
"Gay of course," I say proudly. He chuckles going over and grabbing his clothes and taking his shirt off.

He stops with a shirt in his hands. "Can you not watch me? It's creepy,"
"You do realize we change in front of each other all the time right?" I laugh, resting my chin on my hand.
"Yes but.."
"Wait..are you embarrassed?!"
He raises the shirt to his head covering his face.

"Awww Kattt, don't be embarrassedddd."
"AHHH THIS IS WHY!!" He says a bright shade of red. I laugh, "Ok we'll get ready I'll meet you in the lobby." I say kissing his cheek.

"Ok whatever you dork."

I grab the essentials and head to the hotel lobby seeing some of my classmates wandering around and talking in their groups.

"Hey guys! Do you guys wanna come to a Pride Parade with me and Kat?" everyone looks up, some people say yes who are apart of the community and some support. Some want to just do other things but mine join later.

"Yes!" I'm so excited that I don't hear Kat come up behind me hugging me. "Aww hey babe." He nuzzles his head into my neck. "Mm.."

"Ok guys ready to go?" Everyone nods and we start our walk to the Festival. We see different flags and people with signs walking to there as well. On the other side of the street though is a whole different story

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