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Even though it's the middle of the night, I swear everyone and their mom is watching me as I run away from the bank. Or maybe it's just the three literal superheroes that are attempting to catch me. There was the Prince or Princey as I called him, Popstar, and Delta. The three super-pains in my ass. It's not like I had robbed the bank dry, I had simply borrowed some of their avandium, which I needed for totally legit reasons. You can't blame me, Janus and Remus needed some for that bomb or robot helper they were trying to build. Well, it was more like whatever Janus was building since y'know, Remus is an idiot. Honestly, I had lost track of whatever Jan was trying to build this time.

I climb up onto a nearby apartment building's roof, and continue running. Hopefully, only Popstar can actually follow me up here, since the others would have to use the fire escape. I turn to look over my shoulder and sure enough, Popstar is shooting through the air after me. To be honest the guy's got the reputation of being a softie, so even if he catches up, he probably wouldn't be capable of arresting me. As soon as I turn back to watch where I'm going, I'm met with a lack of roof to run on. But, I can't exactly stop running, or they'll catch me, and I don't feel like being arrested right now. In my indecision, I've quickly run out of space and just like that, I'm falling. I throw my arms in front of my face, as if that would someone stop my dive. My plan doesn't exactly help at all considering the world still goes black as I hit the ground. 

A/N: This is like, really short holy crap. I swear actual chapters will be longer than this. Also, this book is kinda inspired by GiveMeMyOwn's "We Can Be Heores" so go check that book out, it's amazing!

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