Chapter 4

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Virgil's POV

A couple of days later, Janus has his little invention ready. "So...what is it?" Remus asks, staring at the radio-sized object.

"A bomb," Janus says simply, "We're going to put it in a building near the heart of the city."

We've never really built something like this, just stolen a bunch of stuff, or vandalised a few buildings. I don't really know how to feel about the whole thing, bombs are dangerous, and I don't really want anyone to get hurt. Janus never told me what he was building up front, and I'm guessing this is why. Silently, I slip into my dark hoodie, jeans, and face mask, knowing that getting into an argument wouldn't help at all. Once we're all back in the main room, Remus teleports us out to some random rooftop. The landing's a bit rough, but Remus hardly ever has the patient to be more careful with his power.

"Alright, Remus and I will plant the bomb in there," He points to a skyscraper a couple of buildings away, "Stay here and watch for the heroes." I nod as Remus takes Janus's hand and teleports them to the roof of Szell Enterprises.

Great, this is Janus's way of getting back, leaving me on watch duty. At least I don't have to risk blowing myself up. I half-heartedly watch for the heroes, phone in hand in case they do show up. The three of them usually show up after the media, which will take a while assuming Janus, and especially Remus, can set the bomb up without getting caught. A few minutes later, the two appear on the roof, and I almost jump off out of shock. Gee thanks flight or fight reflexes, you really know just how to help.

"You good there Anx," Remus says, holding back laughter.

"Peachy," I mumble bitterly.

He holds up his arms defensively, "Hey don't get mad at me or you'll miss the fireworks." Oh yes, because I'm so excited to see a bomb go off and possibly kill people.

Janus checks his watch, "It should be going off right about now," He says, looking towards the building.

Despite the warning, I still flinch when the explosion sounds, blowing out the windows a couple floors down from the top. Smoke immediately starts pouring out of the building, curling up into the sky. Remus claps his hands like a child during a fireworks show. Soon enough, channel ten news vans show up on the scene, beating even the first responders there. First responders arrive next, going in to evacuate the workers inside. My feeling of dread only rises when ash-covered people come out of the building, presumably from the higher floors. Most of the workers got out unharmed, which I'm glad for.

"What was the point of this, Jay?" I decide to ask, since he never actually told me anything. "Why plant a bomb randomly, what message are you trying to send?"

"Simple; we are sending the message that the Darksides aren't to be messed with. For now, it's only a single bomb, but if they don't listen then soon enough the entire city will be rigged up to explode," He states, never taking his eyes off the fiery corporate building.

"What?" I squeak out, that can't be it, he has to be lying. "You're kidding right? That sounds like a Remus plan, not a Janus one. If we do that, people will die, people may already die today because of this. And for what? So people fear you? This is crazy!"

He turns to me, glaring coldly, "It's not crazy, it's threatening. Don't forget, you're involved in this too, if people die today, it's your fault as much as it is mine. You brought me the Avandium, and the gunpowder, the materials necessary to make the bomb, you're not innocent here. So if you decide to play the hero, do you really think it'll save you from justice? No one will care that you turned good in the end, they'll just use you. And once they've arrested us," He gestures to himself and Remus, "They'll just arrest you too."

He's right. He's right and he knows it, but maybe he's just using me too. He uses these guilt tactics way too much, and honestly it's really bothering me. Sure, if people get hurt today it'll be my fault, and I'll just have to live with that. But Janus wouldn't care if those innocent people get hurt, and neither would Remus. They've never cared about anyone but themselves, and here I was thinking I could look past that.


I watch as Janus falls onto his side, clutching his face, and look back at my hand. Oh sh!t.

"You little-" He cuts himself off with an inhuman growl as he slowly pushes himself up.

Without thinking, I use my earthquake induction to knock them off their feet. Then, before Remus can regain his focus and teleport over here, I use my paralyseize on them both, freezing them in place. I'm so dead once they're able to move again. Knowing this, I do what any rational person should do, and run in the opposite direction. They shouldn't be stunned for long, and hopefully Janus will decide to let me go in favor of giving some villain monologue to the bystanders below. Once confident that they aren't chasing me down to kill me, I bolt to the warehouse. I take my satchel and load it up with as much stuff as possible. My phone, charger and headphones are practically a necessity, so I set them aside to throw in last to avoid breaking them. Other than that, I change into regular clothes, throwing my hoodie into the bag so I can at least try to blend in on the streets. I also throw in my sketchbook and a fidget cube, knowing how heightened my anxiety will probably be since I'll have nowhere to stay the night. My sense of flight kicks in and I quickly leave the warehouse, terrified of Remus and Janus's return. I walk out into the city, moving around until dark, and settle down in an alley. My general anxiety from the day comes crashing down all at once as I have a panic attack in the dark alley. After several minutes, I manage to calm myself down. The attack leaves me drained. You know what I just realized? Remus and Janus never called me by my actual name, even when we were out of costume. Weird.  

A/N: I might just stop adding these notes since I have no idea what to put here.

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