Chapter 11

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Roman's POV

An- Virgil stares at his now lit up phone, Deceit's contact showing on the screen. He freezes, face paling as he watches the phone move slightly as the ringtone continues to play.

"I'm gonna get Logan, you should answer it," Patton says quietly, going over to Logan's door.

Virgil reluctantly hits the answer button, immediately hearing Deceit shout over the line, "You're at Brigger's Motel, huh?!" He yells angrily, "Because sure enough, he says that there is no room thirty-eight."

Being the princely person I am, normally I would have spoken up, but I can't exactly do that without Deceit asking more questions. Logan and Patton return the table silently, as Virgil looks around to the three of us for help.

"If you don't answer, I'll just assume you lied, and I'll just have to find you myself," He growls over the phone, literally freaking growls.

"Just try to get him to screw off," I whisper to Virgil, hoping that advice is good enough.

He sighs before speaking up, "Why do you even care where I am?" He asks, "It's not like you miss me," He adds bitterly under his breath. Geez, if he is acting he's doing a hell of a job. If he wasn't so anxious then he'd make a great movie star or something.

Deceit can be heard cursing quietly on their end, "Look, we're a team and if you don't come back I'm stuck alone with Remus," He says, but with my theater background, I know that's not the entire truth.

"Oh you know you love me, snakey," A too-familiar voice says from further away. Don't say anything Roman, it'll only make things worse.

"No, no I don't," Deceit responds, and by the sound of it, he's moved away from the phone. The two keep talking to each other while we sit silently on our own end.

Logan casually reaches over and ends the call, "Seeing as they started their own conversation, that did not seem particularly beneficial to listen to, I figured it would be best if we got back to our own lives," He says, adjusting his glasses.

May I say, never before have I been so grateful for Logan's impatience with other people. Hearing...his voice wasn't gonna make anything easier. Why did Virgil have to tell me and Patton their names? He could have said anything else to earn our trust, and just told Logan later, but noooo. A small part of me wonders if it's wrong to blame Virgil for that, but that part is usually drowned out by everything else. Instead my mind wanders to food.

Patton announces dinner will be ready in a few minutes, and we all go our separate ways. Virgil stays sitting at the table messing with his phone, even though it's off, Logan goes back to his room, and I sit on the couch as I read through one of the next scripts. Even if I was part of the cast, I was still affected by the cliffhangers and curiosity might just kill me. Once my curiosity is satisfied, I end up staring off into space rather than reading the rest. I didn't have to send in the recording for another three days, and working ahead isn't my strong suit since I get tired enough doing the required work. Procrastination is a monster that plagues me constantly, if my job wasn't a form of acting, I would have been fired already. Thank God my boss can't see me slacking off ninety-percent of the time.

Logan's POV

While Patton is busy making dinner, I figured I could spend my time finishing up the power-restricting cuffs I had been working on. So far, several have blown a fuse, and a few have even caught fire. I will admit that I am...excited for the newest test, seeing as I believe I've found a way to keep the cuffs from overheating when in use. If I can make a working pair, arresting Deceit and the Duke would be much easier. Assuming this version doesn't destroy itself minutes after being activated, I could test them on myself, after running some diagnostic tests of course. If I can get them to work properly, then they should send a small electrical current through my arm, shocking me, and therefore making it impossible to use my powers.

"Kiddos, dinner's ready!" Patton calls from the kitchen. I do not understand why he insists on calling us that, aside from the fact that it's not an actual word, we are not his children.

Anyway, I make my way into the kitchen, seeing Roman and Virgil already there. Patton presents us each with our own plate of spaghetti and meatballs once we take our seats. Like normal, Patton and Roman hold up most of the conversation with the occasional tie-breaking contribution from myself. Virgil sits through the meal, looking quite uncomfortable judging by his slumped posture, and also the fact that he is pushing his food around his plate uselessly.

"To make you feel more comfortable Virgil, how about we tell you more about ourselves?" Patton suggests during a lull in the conversation, "I'll start. So, I have an older brother, I'm the manager of the nearby coffee shop, and I learned to cook from my mom."

Roman ends up going next, "In my immediate family, I have a ton of cousins, and three siblings. I'm a voice actor for three different characters at the moment and I act at the theater for fun."

"It seems it's my turn to share some facts about my life. I am an only child, I work at the local planetarium giving tours, and I spend my free time working on several different inventions," I summarize. Virgil just nods in response, sitting up slightly to avoid falling off of the chair.

"Are you gonna tell us anything about you?" Roman asks. Why do I even try to fix their grammar anymore?

"He doesn't have to tell us anything if he doesn't want to, especially with his anxiety- Wait you have anxiety right? I'm sorry if you don't I just kinda assumed-" Patton rambles.

"I do, uh have anxiety that is," Virgil interrupts. It seems that he isn't comfortable sharing facts about himself, interesting.

"Anddddd....?" Roman presses, figuratively of course. I must say Roman trying to pressure an anxious person into anything isn't an ideal strategy, I can admit that I'm curious as to what Virgil's past holds.

Patton doesn't seem as intent on understanding Virgil's motivations though, "If he's not comfortable sharing anything, then he doesn't have to," He re-states sternly.

"Thanks, Patton but it's fine. I'm also an only child, I moved to New Vixen around four years ago, and I've been helping Deceit and Duke since my sophomore year of college," Virgil pipes up, never looking up from the ground.

"Several questions-" I start, before Patton shoots me a death glare. All I wanted to ask was how he had met Deceit and the Duke, along with the more concerning question; why would his parents allow him to assist known criminals? Come to think of it, he failed to mention his parents at all, how curious. 

A/N: In the spirit of the beginning of pride month (unless you're in a time zone where it's already June 2nd) enjoy two chapters in a day. 

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