Chapter 30

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Patton's POV (Two in a row surprise surprise)

Day 36

After another day off from work, I finally return to Deja Brew, "Hey Daniel, hey Tammy," I greet, happy to be back.

They both briefly look up from their positions as I grab my apron, "Hey Patton," They say in unison, before looking at each other and going off on a jinx battle.

I laugh and grab my name tag from my office, noticing that the break room's almost out of cookies. We only sell the fresh ones, so employees are free to take the rest home since they're being paid twenty-five cents over minimum wage. It's around lunch time so college students and office workers will start stopping by for their lunch breaks, needing better coffee than the dirt water some companies offer. I go back out to help Tammy make drinks, making a mental note to leave a note to buy more coffee filters by Saturday. Hopefully Logan and Roman won't need the car both days. Me and Tammy end up talking while waiting for the coffee maker to start up again, and I faintly hear the bell attached to the front door ring. A yelp draws my attention to the front of the restaurant, and oh shoot.

Deceit and Duke are standing there, and Duke has Daniel in a chokehold, "Tammy, go call the cops," I mumble, nudging her to the back room.

"What about you?" She asks.

"Don't worry, I'll stall them or something, just go," This time she listens and runs off, leaving me with two smug supervillains and a very confused employee.

"Hello Patton, right? I understand you own this store and I couldn't help but overhear that a certain superpowered pain in my a$$ has the same name and also manages a coffee shop," Deceit says, smiling. He knows that I'm Popstar, how does he know that I'm Popstar?!

I decide to ignore them as I see Daniel's panic, "Don't worry Daniel, I promise you'll be alright."

"Exactly, he'll be alright as long as you cooperate," Deceit assures me.

"All we want to know is where Virgil's been hiding out," Remus says, sounding way too cheerful for someone holding a kid at knifepoint.

Oh shoot, if I don't tell them then they'll hurt Daniel, but they might hurt Virgil when they find him. Roman's with Virgil, so they have a better chance and I can't just let them hurt Daniel when he's completely innocent.

"Fine, Northridge Apartment Building, room 47," I tell them, hoping that they'll let Daniel go. They smile, and Duke drops Daniel, teleporting him and Deceit out of the area.

I rush over to Daniel, checking him over like a concerned parent, "Y-you're a superhero, aren't you?" He asks.

Man I was hoping he didn't figure it out, even if it was really obvious, "Yeah I'm Popstar, please don't tell anyone! It's bad enough that Deceit and Duke somehow know."

"I won't. I'm just surprised that I'm working for a superhero," He laughs awkwardly, still clearly freaked out by the near-death situation.

"Right, if you'll excuse me I need to let my roommates know that they're about to be attacked," I tell him, going to get my phone, "Hey Roman, I don't have much time to be nice, Deceit and Duke know where you and Virgil are I'm sorry!" I yell as soon as he picks up.

Virgil's POV

Today Roman was staying with me and of course, he insisted on showing me every episode of Steven Universe just because I asked what he was watching. Now we're on the third season, and I can see why people like this show, even if there's not a whole lot of plot so far, "Hey what's that?" He asks, looking at something on my hoodie.

"What's what?" I ask back, confused.

"Hold still," He grabs my sleeve and gently pulls something off of it, "This," He holds up a small black device.

"That looks like one of Deceit's listening devices..." I trail off, remembering how Duke grabbed me back at Praetor's, knowing that's probably when it was placed.

He crushes the tiny device, "Is there anything important they would have heard?" He asks, obviously understanding the problem.

"Last I checked he couldn't fix the battery, so it only would have worked for about twenty-frou hours," I pause, thinking about everything Patton and I said to each other two days ago, "Well, would you consider Patton's name and the name of his coffee shop important?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

As if on cue, Roman gets a phone call from Patton and answers it, "Yeah, we already figured that much out," He looks at me, "Okay, I'll figure something out," He goes to end the call, apparently not noticing me paralyzed with fear. But he does notice when Remus's morning star collides with his head, falling to the ground unconscious.

"Hello Anxiety," Deceit says, walking around the couch to be face-to-face with me. Of course he's still towering over my sitting form in a not-so-subtle intimidation that is absolutely working. Duke sets his hands on my shoulders and I can just feel my skin crawl at the contact, "For the safety of your little prince friend here, I suggest you don't try anything this time," His eyes turn yellow as I feel him try to take control of me.

I would look at Roman to make sure he's actually alive if I could look away from Deceit. While staring at him, I can feel as my consciousness is pushed further back into my mind, allowing him to have access to my mind or whatever. I can vaguely see Duke walk over, putting a hand on Deceit and I before teleporting us out.

"Now Anxiety, how about you get to work on remaking those contingency plans you created," Deceit suggests, and I can tell that my body nods, despite my protests.

If anything, trying not to agree only makes it harder to see and hear what's going on. Great, so resisting is only going to help him lock me away in my own mind. I can slightly tell that my body is now writing something, probably recreating the blueprints to the weapons that have the possibility to completely disable New Vixen's superheroes. I am so going to jail for this. 

A/N: Welp, hope you enjoyed the slight DWIT reference/parallel :D

Edit: I wanted to edit the way the whole mind-control thing worked, just slightly for future chapters. With how it originally was gonna be with essentially an evil Virgil presence or whatever just didn't make as much sense to write with compared to Virgil trying to hold back or take control but failing.

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