Chapter 14

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Virgil's POV

Logan eventually left his room, and still had no solution to the whole handcuffed thing. Instead of working on it after he ate, he sat down next to me on the couch, reading some science-y book. So much for him trying to help me out of this stupid thing. I turn back to my phone, scrolling aimlessly through Tumblr and I even check MySpace which, like every other day, has nothing new. Eh, it'll bounce back eventually. After literal hours of this, Logan's phone starts ringing. He picks it up and answers, putting it on speakerphone after checking who it was.

"Hey Logan! I already called Patton but Deceit and Duke are back, so I was thinking one of us should stay with Virgil so just stay at the apartment," Roman says quickly over the phone. Oh great, so he still doesn't trust me. Or let me guess; it's for my 'protection' even though Deceit and Duke should have no idea where I am. But what if they do? Nope, we are not thinking about this not if we want to avoid a panic attack today.

"Wouldn't we have a greater chance of catching the Darksides if all three of us there seeing as there are only two of them?" Logan asks.

Roman sighs, "Look, Patton already agreed that one of us should stay with Virgil in case something goes wrong. So if you're comfortable with disagreeing with him, go ahead and get over here."

Logan pauses, blushing slightly. So the nerd's got a crush on Patton, huh. Points to Roman for using that to get his way, pretty impressive for someone that dense, "Fine, I'll stay here with Virgil, but only because it's safer for him."

"Suuurrrrreeee," Roman says sarcastically, hanging up before Logan can respond.

"That stupid, conniving little-" Logan mutters in frustration, setting his phone down.

"Try not to blow a fuse there, teach," I warn, concerned as to what an angry Logan would look like. He sighs and picks up his book again, apparently deciding to ignore the fact that his friends are about to fight two supervillains.

I grab the remote off of the coffee table, and pull up the news. They've got some live footage of the fight playing, but that's only when one of them is thrown out a window. Most of the actual fight is happening inside some random skyscraper, so there isn't much to see. Officers have set up a barricade outside the building, and some idiotic civillians are taking videos, apparently not realizing that a super-powered bullet could come crashing into them at any second. I'm sure it'll be worth a trip to the hospital if their video starts trending on Instagram.

Deciding that watching the news isn't gonna help anything, I turn off the T.V. and head to the guest room that I'm staying in. I would call it my room except I'm basically a burden on these guys since I don't pay rent, I live here now I guess, and I eat their food. Basically, I'm like an emo teen staying at their dad's house, except the dad is dating someone new and it's really awkward, plus the annoying step-sibling. At least they're not villains that rope you into every scheme of theirs in return for food. I put on my headphones, turning on the 'Panic Boi Hours' playlist to avoid having an anxiety attack. Janus and Remus, well Remus at least, is insane so for all I know Roman and Patton could be on the brink of death right now, and it'd be all my fault- Nope. This is why I turned on the playlist, to avoid panicking but here we are. We're not going to worry, Patton and Roman are superheroes and if they're hurt then that's on them for fighting Janus and Remus alone. We're just gonna ignore the fact that I'll feel guilty no matter what.

After burning through the playlist four times, I faintly hear the front door to the apartment open. I quickly leave the room, my anxiety not letting me do any less. An angry Roman and tired Patton are standing in front of the now-closed door.

Logan gets up from the couch and heads into the kitchen, coming back out with a first aid kit, "Are there any concerning injuries that I should see to?" He asks, professional as always, but I swear he looks the slightest bit worried.

"I think we're good," Patton says, his words slurring slightly. Logan, unconvinced, leads Patton over to the couch to examine him, leaving me in the hall with Roman.

"What happened?" I ask, my voice coming out quiet.

He sighs, "Your teammates decided to knock Patton out of the air by having Duke teleport above him. Deceit took control of the security guards and got them to shoot at me. So, the usual," He says bitterly. I flinch slightly at him calling them my teammates. Of course, Roman doesn't care that I didn't want this. That had I known what they were like, I never would have worked with them.

"They're not my teammates," I mumble, fidgeting with my sleeves. He looks almost guilty, but walks into the living room silently. Seeing no real other option, I follow him in.

At the moment, Logan is putting a band-aid on Patton's arm, "Hey, what's that?" Patton asks, pointing towards my wrist with his free arm.

I look down at the power cuff, "Ask Logan."

He adjusts his glasses, "I asked Virgil if he would help me test my power-restraining handcuffs, he agreed. However, when I attempted to remove them, it did not unlock."

"So, the great Logan made something that doesn't work?" Roman says mockingly.

"None of my inventions work correctly on their first attempt," Logan responds calmly. Patton laughs softly, putting a hand to his stomach, "Patton, are you adequate?" Logan asks, concerned.

"Yeah just took a pretty bad hit from Duke," He explains, wincing slightly.

Logan tentatively examines Patton, deciding that he might have a couple bruised ribs. Even though I've only known the guy for a couple of days, he doesn't deserve to get hurt. This is why I left the Darksides, I couldn't be the one to hurt people, but I haven't done anything to keep them from being hurt either. Why did it take me so long to see how bad they were? God, I hate Deceit and the Duke.

A/N: Just wanted to point out, throughout the book I had Virgil call them Janus and Remus because he used to feel indebted to them. But, I wanted to find a way to show that he's starting to like turn against them and become a good guy.  

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