Chapter 31

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Logan's POV (How long has it been since I had Lo's POV?)

As I was going to drop off a book at the library, I received a call from Patton. Thinking nothing of it, I answered, "Hello Patton."

"Logan! How fast can you get back to our apartment, Deceit and Duke know where it is and I think they're going to try and attack Virgil!" I can tell he is out of breath, and there is quite a bit of interference, presumably from him flying.

"Alright, I can be there in approximately five minutes. May I ask how Deceit and the Duke learned the address of our residence?" I ask. There are hundreds of apartment buildings in New Vixen so it is unlikely that one of them saw Virgil enter the building.

"They showed up at Deja Brew and threatened Daniel if I didn't tell them, I'm sorry," He informs me.

Now I am more worried as to how Deceit and Duke recognized Patton immediately, along with how they knew he worked at Deja Brew, "Do not worry Patton, Roman is quite capable, have you informed him of this?"

"Yeah, he hasn't said anything since I called him though so I don't know if they already got to the apartment or if Roman and Virgil are okay an-"

"Patton, please take a deep breath and remember that it doesn't appear that Deceit and the Duke are planning to hurt or even kill Virgil. It is more likely that they will use Roman into getting what they want from Virgil, like they used Daniel against you," I assure him, already on my way to our apartment building.

"That's not much better," He complains, sounding similar to a small child.

"Apologies Patton, just know that it is very likely that Roman and Virgil are both alright," I correct, having forgotten to 'sugarcoat' my conclusion for him. I speed up slightly to reach our apartment in case I'm wrong, which is unlikely but being extra cautious in some situations can be beneficial.

"Don't worry about it, I'm almost there so I'm gonna hang up," He warns me before the call ends.

I return my phone to my pocket and finish my speed-walk back to the apartment building. There are no signs of forced entry, and the police are nowhere to be found, so they most likely entered through a window to our apartment. I take the stairs up, knowing they would be faster than the poor excuse of an elevator our building has. I cautiously open the door, knowing that finding Deceit and Duke still inside would not be good for us. Instead, I see Patton hovering over a clearly distressed Roman. I abandon my book on the counter in favor of sitting down in the living room.

"Well, Daniel knows about us," Pattons starts.

"I assume you mean that he knows about our being superheroes. Even so, I do not believe that should be the most pressing matter at the moment," I point out, "Roman, would you mind explaining what happened over here?"

"I'm not even sure, we found a listening device on Virgil's hoodie," So that's how they found out where Patton works, "Patton called and said they know where we live, and then everything went dark. When I woke up, all three of them were gone," He explains, looking at the floor the entire time.

Patton puts a hand on his arm, making my blood figuratively boil, "Don't worry kiddo, we'll get him back."

"But that's the thing, what if he doesn't want to come back?!" Roman appears to be on the verge of tears.

"With their past it is very unlikely that Virgil would choose to stay with them if given the choice. It's more realistic to assume that he was threatened into leaving with them, or Deceit could have simply taken control of him," I reason, strangely upset to see Roman this distressed.

"Yeah but, what do you think they're gonna make him do?" Patton asks, stumping us both.

I may not be the best at comforting others, but I do know what Roman likes. I stand and grab the dvd of Cinderella, and turn it on. Roman smiles thinly when he sees the press play screen, and Patton hops up to get blankets and popcorn. I return to my spot in the armchair, and start to think of several possible rescue strategies, knowing that Roman will most likely want them soon. Patton returns and wraps a blanket around Roman, settling himself on the couch.

For a while, we watch the movie in silence, and when the scene where Cinderella runs away from the ball, Roman speaks up, "I never got to tell him that I love him."

Virgil's POV

It's honestly amazing that Deceit can keep up this whole mind-controlling thing for so long. As soon as I unwillingly finished re-making the blueprints, Deceit takes them and looks them over, smiling.

"So what are we gonna do about the cuff?" Dukey asks with his mouth full of deodorant. Oh yeah, that's still on, what a shame.

"Anxiety, can you remove that?" Deceit asks in an overly sweet voice.

No, nope, don't- "Yes," Traitor. Goddamn this need to answer him. It's like the words just slip out, no matter how much I yell and refuse in my mind, none of it carries over to reality where it actually matters. Now I can only see a small portion of what's happening, and through that small window I can see that I break open the cuff with a pen. If I could just sever whatever connection Deceit is using to control me, like with a knife, that'd be great. 

"Problem solved," Deceit says, walking away with the blueprints.

So...they aren't going to kill me now that they have what they want? Worse, they had me take off the power-restricting cuff, which means they want me to be able to use my powers for something.

Duke stares at me, "I wonder if I can order you around too or if that's just Janus," He pauses in thought, for possibly the first time ever. And I swear to god if he tries to make me clean his room like this I will find a way to off myself from here, "Hmmmm... JANUS I'VE GOT A REALLY IMPORTANT QUESTION!!"

I have never, never been so relieved to watch Duke annoy Deceit. 

A/N: Happy Father's Day! I'm sure the majority of you aren't fathers but ya never know. 

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