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Virgil's POV

"Are you sure you want to do this, I don't trust that guy," Roman complains, stopping the car and pouting.

"Neither do I, and if he does anything then you can come in and kick his a$$," I reassure my boyfriend.

He sighs and unlocks the car, allowing me to step out. I walk into the building, looking around for someone that can help since I don't want to talk to more people than necessary. Roman, Patton, and Logan have been helping with my anxiety, Roman especially, but that doesn't mean I'd talk to strangers for fun. I walk up to the receptionist and tell her who I am and who I'm looking for. She is, thankfully, able to help me by calling one of her coworkers to take me to him. At least I won't get lost.

He stops in front of a door, unlocking it for me, "Visitor for Janus Vera," The officer announces, opening the door for me.

"Hello Anxiety," He greets, smiling more than a prisoner probably should. At least the officer doesn't seem to care that he calls me that, probably because they decided to pardon me for helping arrest Deceit and Duke.

I sit down across from him, "Hey Janus, how's prison?"

"Very funny, why are you really here? You must know that I could just take control of you and get out of here," He points out. It's a good question, one I don't even know the answer to so I shrug, "And to think, I thought you were smarter than Remus."

"And to think, there was a time when I could actually tolerate your snark," I reply, only slightly mocking his tone.

"Are you still hanging around those wannabe heroes? You realize they're never gonna truly forgive you for all the people you've hurt, right?" Maybe not, but they certainly seem like they have.

"Yeah, they're much better company than you and Remus," I tell him. He smiles, it being clearly fake. You'd almost think he cares about my opinion, "I guess I came to see you one last time because you always considered me weaker than you, but you're the one behind bars while I walk free."

"Well don't you feel special?" He says, leaning forward in his seat. I try my hardest not to flinch, "You sold out your teammates because you cared about people. Guess what? People won't return the favor, they'll hurt you, and you betrayed the two people that helped you."

Maybe he- holy crap he's really good at this manipulation thing like how is that not one of his powers? "Well, I guess we'll both just have to wait and see if this was a bad decision," I stand up, knowing that staying longer wouldn't be a good choice. That and having the power to leave him at any time, while getting the last word in, is priceless.

I thank the officer and leave, finding Roman's bright red car easily, "How'd it go? Did he hurt you? Your eyes aren't yellow so he didn't use his powers-"

"Roman," I say, taking his hands in my own, "I'm fine. In fact, I'm feeling better than I have in a long time," I tell him, leaning on his shoulder while I wait for him to start the car.

A/N: I already said I would be making an announcement here and that is that I'm doing a oneshot book. It'll be heavily request based and I'll start posting it in 3-5 days. Another thing, I'm going on vacation for a week starting on July 4th, so I don't know how much I'll be able to write then. Check out the book when it comes out for more information like what ships I'll be doing, spoiler alert, but I'm only doing 5 or 6.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Nothing Left to Lose.  

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