Chapter 28

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Virgil's POV

Day 33

"Okay, we're out of food, any ideas on where we should go for dinner?" Patton asks us from the kitchen.

"How are we already out of food, we bought the same amount we usually do for the week?" Logan asks. Patton and I both look at Roman, knowing that the lack of the food was his fault from when he tried to make an omelette. 

"Yeah, I wonder how that happened..." I trail off.

Roman chokes on his water, "How about we go to Praetor's?" He suggests, trying to keep the blame train away.

I had heard of the chain restaurant and the fries were freaking amazing, "Fine by me."

"That is an acceptable choice, Patton?" Logan adds.

"Sounds good," He agrees, waltzing off to get his shoes.

We all take off to get ready, agreeing to leave in five minutes. I grab my phone and shoes, already having makeup and clothes on for the day. Roman takes the key per usual, not wanting anyone else to drive his 'baby' unless it's for work or an emergency. The restaurant is in the center of the city, in an area known as the tourist trap. It's a small part of the city with several shops and restaurants all centered around a fountain, and no cars can go through so it's much quieter which is nice for my anxiety.

Roman parks outside the mini-marketplace, and turns off his car. Patton jumps out of the car before the rest of us can even unbuckle and goes to the other side, dragging Logan out of the car. Roman and I follow, hoping that they'll find a table by the time we get there.

"They're freaking adorable together," Roman comments as Patton pulls them both around a corner.

"Tch, yeah," I respond. We get to the restaurant to find a flustered Logan sitting in a booth while Patton's head is on his shoulder, "Heya lovebirds."

"Hey guys," Patton says, smiling smugly as he continues to lean on Logan.

We sit down and soon enough, a waitress comes to take our orders. While waiting for our food, Patton starts up a conversation about dogs. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I use it as an excuse to ignore the overwhelmingly wholesome relationship that Patton and Logan have.

Deceit: Have you finally decided to translate the plans?

Okay, don't know where he got that idea but I'm not gonna let this manipulative b!tch ruin lunch.

Me: yeah no id rather not

It's been a month, why haven't I thought to block him yet? Welp, better than late than never I figure as I block him and Duke. I put my phone back in my pocket, as the waitress returns with our food.

"Everything alright?" Roman asks me quietly.

"Yeah, just got a text from Deceit," I tell him, "Don't worry."

"Okay..." He looks unconvinced, but leaves the topic alone and returns to his food.

I do the same, burning through most of my fries in a minute. Logan leaves for the bathroom, probably to get a breather from Patton's cuddles. For once I'm actually enjoying social interaction when the glass door of the restaurant is kicked in. Everyone immediately looks at the entrance where the door once stood, and sees the Duke's manic grin. Roman drags me into the bathroom with Patton while most people scream and try to leave. At least it's a crowded restaurant and we were near the back, so they hopefully didn't see me. Logan looks up at us, and between our panicked expressions, and Patton locking the door, I think he caught on pretty quickly.

"Deceit and the Duke?" He questions, drying his hands off.

"Yep and our suits are in the car," Patton reminds him. Oh, right...

"Well that will be a relatively simple problem to solve, all we have to do is retrieve our suits from the car," Logan states, either not noticing or not caring how little that solution helps me.

"So wait what am I supposed to do? Hide out in the bathroom?" I ask, trying not to panic.

"Well, you could hide in the car if we can get outside," Patton offers.

Roman walks over to the back wall, "That shouldn't be a problem," With little effort, he makes a hole in the wall.

"And if they didn't already, Deceit and Duke now knew that there is someone in the bathroom," Logan comments.

"Why don't you and Patton go get our costumes, we'll stay here," Roman suggests.

"Or we could all go to the car since that would be safer for Virgil," Patton argues, and I completely agree.

Logan adjusts his glasses, "For once I actually agree with Roman, assuming Deceit and Duke are here because of Virgil, we can use him as metaphorical bait to distract them while we get into costume," He explains, and I've officially decided who my least favorite hero is.

Before I can argue, Logan and Patton leave to get their costumes, leaving me with Roman who is trying to listen in on Deceit and Duke. Hoping they'll just say something about how I'm not here and how they're going to leave, I also listen in, "-Acker says he's here, so unless you see an abandoned phone, look around," Deceit says.

'Tracker'? I mouth at Roman, confused. He shrugs in response, trying to keep our position relatively secret. Wait, the text. Since I texted them from the restaurant, Deceit could've used that to try and track me, that's why he texted in the first place! Oh my god this is my fault, if Patton or Logan or Roman get hurt fighting them here it's my fault. Roman pulls me into a hug, probably noticing my panic, and we wait for the power couple to return.

Not even a minute later Logan and Patton return already in costume, and give Roman his, "Should I stay here with-" He starts to ask before I cut him off.

"No, you all are gonna be safer when it's three against one, I'll be fine here on my own," I tell them, trying to convince myself as well as them.

The three look at me for a second before reluctantly agreeing. They leave the bathroom, while I decide to sit in the corner as my anxiety runs me through every way that this could go wrong. For example, Deceit could have figured out how to make the contingency weapons, even with only half the blueprints and therefore, they're walking into a fight they can't win. Something crashes into the door and I immediately feel the cuff buzz to life as I attempt to use my powers. The person with a newfound broken back opens the door, and just my luck, it's Duke.

"Oh, hey Virgie!" He says, jumping out of the way as Roman almost tackles him. Duke pulls me up and throws me into Roman, cackling like a witch and running out.

Roman catches me and sets me down, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I responded.

He peeks outside, and drags me out behind a booth, "Sorry, I just figured it'd be safer if you were with one of us," He explains awkwardly. I look over the edge of the overturned booth, and see Deceit and Duke making their escape while Patton is fussing over Logan.

"Why did they...?" I wonder aloud, if they temporarily took out Logan, then they would have a chance to win and would have stayed.

"If you are wondering why they exited so suddenly, I'd suspect they thought that they were going to lose, or they got what they wanted," Logan states, bringing more questions than answers.

"But what did they want?" No one had an answer for that. 

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