Chapter 27

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Virgil's POV

Day 30

Once again I'm dragged to morning play rehearsal with Roman because at this point if I'm left alone I'm sure that paranoia and anxiety are just gonna tag team my a$$. A couple of the backstage workers force me into helping again, not that I mind. It just provides the perfect distraction from watching Roman sing on stage, looking like a freaking Hollywood actor. Of course, my plan can only work for so long. With the attention span of a ten year old, I can only stay focused on the large patch of blue I'm working on for so long and end up looking around for a distraction. My eyes betray me and drift towards the stage, right as the guy playing Jeremy trips and gives me a great view of Roman. He laughs with the fallen actor as he helps him up, and suddenly I feel like going back to painting. It's either that or be caught staring, so it was a pretty simple choice.

"Are you okay Virgil? You kinda stared off into space for a second there," Taylor says, nudging me slightly.

"I'm good, just lost focus," I assure her.

"I'd say so, you were staring at Roman for a solid minute," So much for not getting caught, that one's Remy, right? Thanks so much, I really appreciate being called out.

Taylor 'Oooooohhhs' at me as my face turns red, "I was just looking around," I tell them. A lame excuse, I know but I'm not good under pressure.

"Mmhm," Remy agrees sarcastically, drinking his never ending coffee.

"Don't worry, our lips are sealed," Taylor states, making the zipped-lips motion. I don't think she realizes how little that helps.

"Welp, Corey has officially banished me from the stage for the day, how're the backgrounds coming?" Roman asks. When the hell did he get here?

"They're going great, Virgil's really helping speed things up too," Taylor tells him. Way to back me up there, I just love having the spotlight on me.

"Great, maybe then you guys will get out of practice early. The less time stuck with Corey the better, she can ruin anyone's self esteem in a matter of minutes," Roman says offhandedly.

Yeah, that's not concerning at all, "It can't be that bad if you act here when she's directing," I point out.

"I like to think I'm one of her favorites," He states proudly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, babes," Remy says, suppressing a snicker. Taylor on the other hand chokes in an attempt to help preserve Roman's pride. I pause slightly at Remy's nickname for Roman, but from what I can tell he calls everyone that.

Roman scoffs, feigning offense, "Oh please! She doesn't even know your name!"

"I never said that I was her favorite," Remy pointed out, putting on his sunglasses even though we're inside and in the dark.

Roman is about to respond before Taylor stops him, "Give it up Roman, this is a war you can't win."

"That sounds like a challenge," He says, smirking.

"I must point out, for legal reasons, that is not a challenge," Taylor assures him, trying to keep him from doing something stupid.

"That is exactly what the challenger would say so the challenged would give up on the challenge."

"Roman, no-"

Logan's POV

"-Is there a reason why other planets' moons have names, but ours technically doesn't?" A man asks after my latest show, this one's topic being Jupiter. He had already asked several pointless questions, and my patience was wearing thin, figuratively.

I see Patton standing in the doorway and see this as my way out of this conversation, "Excuse me sir, I need to talk to someone," Thankfully, the man doesn't follow me and I approach Patton without further distraction, "Hello Patton, may I ask why you have come to my place of work?"

"I was just wondering when your lunch break is, because I hoped we could have a picnic," He explains happily, holding up a picnic basket for emphasis.

"Seeing as I just finished the last show I'll be hosting for the day, I suppose I can take my lunch break now," I tell him.

"Yay!! Let's go, I know the perfect place," He takes my hand and drags me out of the building. I wave to my supervisor as we pass, hoping that she understands my situation. She hides a smile behind her hand, and waves. Taking that as a sign I won't be penalized for leaving, I follow Patton without struggle.

Patton ends up bringing me to the library, and has evidently already checked whether we are allowed to eat here or not. We sit down across from each other at a table in the back, and Patton takes out a checkered blanket, setting it on the table in typical picnic fashion. I watch as he sets out the food, which consists of two sandwiches, two granola bars, an apple, and a baggie of strawberries.

"So, why exactly did you wish to have lunch with me on such short notice?" I ask him, still uncertain as to his reasoning.

"Now that we're technically dating, I wanted to spend some more time with you," He explains, with a smile. For a while, I didn't know what that strange feeling I got whenever I saw that smile was, and I still don't, but I do know that I love seeing that smile. I see that smile and feel proud knowing that I caused it. I see that smile and know I'll end up smiling back, no matter how sour my mood is, "You smiled!!" He exclaims.

"I suppose you have a greater effect on me now that I understand my feelings for you," I reason, trying and failing to stop smiling.

"Awww Logie!!" He squeals, pulling me up into a hug despite there still being a table between us.

*Microsoft Error Noises*

"Are you okay, you're looking pretty Lo," He starts, "-gan," That is certainly one way to bring my attention back to the present.

"I am adequate, I was caught off guard by your nickname for me," I explain, adjusting my tie trying to maintain some semblance of professionalism.

"Sorry," He says apologetically, still smiling, "And wait, you didn't say anything about my pun! Does this mean you're starting to like them?!"

I sigh, "I suppose your puns can be considered intelligent and humorous, when they are not overused," I admit.

He lets out a very high-pitched squeal, earning a glare from the librarian, "I knew you liked my puns!"

A/N: Since I'm not planning on adding in the Logicality date, I figured we needed some fluff from them. 

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