Chapter 9

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Virgil's POV

"Because they saved my life."

The three heroes all freeze, each with varying levels of confusion. "Pardon?" Logan asks, being the first to regain his voice.

"You don't have to explain if you don't want to," Patton reassures me.

"Not everyone with powers has a trophy life like you three, things got pretty bad for me. Deceit and Duke, or rather Janus and Remus took me in after they learned I had powers, and basically offered me a job," I explain awkwardly, suddenly aware of all their eyes on me.

"And you just took it without hesitation?" Roman asks, as if he wouldn't have done the exact same thing in my position. 

"Didn't exactly have a choice," I mumble. My phone goes off in my bag, and I struggle not to audibly sigh in relief.

Before I can even grab it from my bag, it floats out, glowing slightly blue. It floats over into Logan's hand, the blue aura disappearing, "Apologies, Virgil, but I'd rather check your phone myself instead of risking you sending encrypted messages to your teammates," He says.

"Former teammates," Patton corrects, officially becoming my favorite. 

"Of course," He says apathetically, "What is your password?" He asks, looking up.

Even if I don't tell him, he'll probably just hack into my phone, this is why I hang out with stupid people like Remus, "3278."

"Alright. You have seven missed calls from the Duke, and a dozen from Deceit. There are also a large number of text messages from each," Logan reports. He adjusts so that we can read the texts over his shoulder.

Duke: Anx where r u?

Duke: I kno jay got pretty mad but its fine

Duke: Jay is about 2 lose his sh!t out here get home

Oh great, they 'miss' me. Even if I did go back and Janus forgave me for punching him, I know that he'd be lying. Instead, he would just get me back by making training harder, or letting Remus cook.

Deceit: Anx why are u not at the warehouse?

Deceit: Where are u?

Deceit: If this is because of the roof then its fine, get over it

Deceit: Anx if u dont pick up soon I'm only going to be p!ssed off more

Deceit: Are u waiting for an apology? Your not five, so get back here for training before your in even more trouble

"I'm so screwed," I mumble after reading the texts.

"If they are as dangerous as their grammar is accurate, you should be safe. Besides, you're in an apartment with three super-powered individuals, it's unreasonable to be scared of someone that has little chance of hurting you in your current location," Logan states. Oh yes, because my fear of literal supervillains isn't warranted.

"Oh you have no idea what they're capable of," I think bitterly, realizing a second too late that I said that out loud.

Patton and Roman turn to me, as Logan continues looking through my texts. I don't feel violated, what makes you think that? "What's that supposed to mean?" Roman asks, concerned.

"Nothing, I don't wanna talk about it," I respond quickly, "Point is, will you guys help me or not?"

Patton is quick to answer, "Of course, we're heroes we help those in danger, and I think you're definitely in danger, sorry if that makes you feel worse," It doesn't make me feel better, but at least I'll have three superheroes on my side, or at least one since I don't think Roman and Logan really agreed.

"Thanks, Patton," I decided to say, realizing I had been silent too long.

Patton is about to respond, when Logan speaks up, "It appears that you are receiving a call from Deceit," He says, holding up my phone. Okay, don't panic, it's a phone he can't attack you through a phone.

Logan sets my phone down on the coffee table and answers it, gesturing for me to talk, "Hey, Jan-"

"Virgil you better have a good explanation for not answering sooner. Your leaving totally didn't mess up the plan, so I suggest you get back here so we can talk about it," Janus interrupts.

"That's gonna be a slight problem," I squeak out, trying not to go completely mute.

"Why?!" He asks, barely covering his anger. Because I'd rather commit toaster bath than come back to your insane a$$?

Instead of saying that, I look to the other people in the room for help. Roman just makes a 'keep going' motion, "Because I'm not in New Vixen right now," Is that really the best lie I could come up with??

"Then. Where. Are. You," He asks slowly.

"Lakepoint," I respond. Might as well try to make it somewhat realistic by naming an actual town, bonus points for it being literal hours away from here.

He sighs, "Text me the address and we'll come pick you up, and I suggest you don't make one up."

Instead of answering, I wait for him to hang up. He ends the call and the heroes finally speak up, "So, which poor soul's address are we gonna give to them?" Roman asks, looking between his teammates.

"No one's, I will simply do some research and use the address of a motel to avoid further questions from them," Logan says, going to his room.

I grab my phone and put it in my pocket, sitting awkwardly as Patton and Roman stare at me, "I know Deceit's a villain, but I never realized how bad he actually was," Patton states, looking at me sadly. Oh yay, pity.

"Try living with the guy and Remus for three years," I say, giving a slight laugh after in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Could you just say Deceit and Duke?" Roman asks coldly. Like what did I do to you? My anger disappears the second I see his expression, he definitely doesn't look like a prince at the moment.

Pushing someone when they're that upset only makes things worse, I should know, so I leave it alone, "Sure."

"Alright, if you allow me to use your phone again Virgil, I will be sending Deceit and the Duke to a hotel six hours from here," Logan says when he returns to the room.

"Here," I hand him my phone. At least twelve hours without Janus and Remus in town? Holy sh!t there is a god. 

A/N: Two chapters in a day? I've got like five pre-written chapters so the sooner I get rid of them, the more anxiety I'll have to get them done. Not a healthy strategy, but y'all ain't my mom.

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