General Alexander's POV
After a long a and akward conversation with much complex understanding, we had finally reached a conclusion. The child, Eve is a boy and his earliest memory was going on a trip with his parents when they were attacked by wolves, both parents died. He escaped the demon wolf and 'accidentally' killed the demon wolf that was leader of the current wolves that surround him, due to this he had become their pack leader and has been living deep in the forest with them ever since. This is the most far fetched story I have ever heard and yet there was no other logical explanation and it didn't seem like that the child was lying. Once everything was settled we went back to camp to formulate a plan on how to exterminate the wyverns.
Despite not being on the best terms with our neighboring countries it is still in the best interest of its leaders to ensure that the country thrives. A few weeks ago the wyvern population in the northen parts of Greater Forest has increased rapidly due to the adventurers not thinning them out. Wyverns are dragon like monsters that are usually rank D and pose a basic threat to the adventures whom come on quests to thin out the population of wyverns to keep them in check, however due to the increase in bandits and this part of the forest being on the edge of the country few adventures have been able to come out all the way here which caused the wyverns population to increase dramatically. The adventurers that were sent out never came back and under further investigation it was found that wyverns had started to hunt in overwhelmingly large flocks. The wyverns and bandits greatly effected the trade with the Elja Region because the problem is within Einshev borders, Emperor Silverin Einshev has ordered me to get rid of the wyverns. We had already apprehended the bandits a few days ago and had escorted the criminals back to the capital. Due to the large group of criminals half the troop had to escort them back leavings us with a small troop of only twenty people. We have little chance if we go against a whole nest of wyverns. The situation was critical and cannot be underestimated. Despite just arriving back from negotiations from the distance Jaffen country. I was trying to pinpoint the nest of the wyverns when a Eve's small timid voice made itself known.
(A/N : I have updated world info on geography and language aspects of Reinfer please go check it out. If its hasn't updated for you just remove the book from your library and re-add it)
"E-excuse me?"
Eve's POV
After a long conversation to the General Alexander about how I had ended up in the forest with a pack of wolves he finally accepted it was the truth. Well it was almost the truth I just left out the parts about reincarnation, being an esper, Henry, Blank Magic, my two years spent researching and creating.......etc... Okay so I left out a lot of details but they don't need to know, due to the knowledge and experience from my previous life I know that staying under radar of powerful people is good because if they think you are useless then they won't use you.
"E-exscuse me?" I pop my head into the General's tent. To Alpha, Bet and Delta's dismay I told them to stay outside. Ever since we arrived they had stuck to to me even more worried about my safety but they have noting to worry about. Although I could take out monsters several levels out of my reach with my esper abilities I didn't use my abilities feeling that it'd ruin my feeling of adventure in this world.
(A/N : yes Eve is a bit crazy, despite running for his life and near death experiences he feels that it is thrilling as he has never felt this thrilled and alive before. Eve also will kill human just as easy as killing lifestock because he has very low regards for morale, believing that morale is simply just rules of humanity)

Revenant of an Esper
FantasyIn the world called earth there are people called espers. Espers were people who had various powers, some had the power to find things, some can talk to the dead, some could control elements, the powers of espers varied greatly. Espers although coul...