Third person's POV
In the Einshev Empire there is only one school, the Libra Academy. Libra Academy allows people of any social standing and any race to attend as long as they have potential, but despite that there are very few demi humans and commoners. Eve will be attending this school starting from today.
Eve's POV
I woke up as soon as the sun started to peek over the horizon, Alpha, Beta and Delta were also already awake. I did my usual morning routine and changed into my school uniform.
"Boss, take us with you to school." Beta had begged.
"Yes yes, how we gonna protect you if we so far apart? " Delta whined and pouted. 'I didn't know wolves could pout? ' I thought as I looked oddly at it's face.
"Yes boss, what if you need us at school?" Alpha had added.
I do want them to come with me, it'd make me feel a lot less anxious to know that they are there when I need them. The idea of school is really overwhelming, with so many people. Now that I think about it I haven't had much social interaction since my last life and that didn't change even when I got to Reinfer.
In my previous life I studied so quickly it wasn't compulsory to attend classes as long as I hand in my work on time. After arriving In Reinfer besides the wolves and the ghost of Henry I didn't really talk to anyone either. I didn't feel the need to share my opinions where it isn't necessary. Even after meeting the General and his troops I didn't talk unless I needed to. I am usually lost in my own thoughts or just observing the environment around me. I didn't realize how much I was lacking in social skills until recently. (T-T)
I already have a plan on how to keep the wolves with me, the entire Ralf household don't seem very fond of the wolves. I plan on using my Space Element store the wolves in a separate space. When I access the space they will be able to come out straight away. There aren't any complications in this as I have already tried it before with other animals and plants. All living creatures will go into a dormant state when inside and time will stop.
"I do have a plan but it's only temporary." I say as the wolves yipped happily. I explained my plan about letting them stay in my Dimension Space. I also shared my opinion about the Ralf household and warned them to be careful around the members of the house.
*Bam Bam Bam* as if on que loud bangs on the door sounded as I finished with the wolves' arrangements.
"Hey Demon! Get up!" The rude butler yelled a she barged in. I was sitting on my early made bed when he entered.
Rude Butler's POV
" can take of yourself, so you not useless after all." I say as look at the small boy who sat on a neatly made bed and is already dressed ready for school. I say as I looked around but could only see the demon. It had bought wolves with him yesterday, where did they disappear to? Well it doesn't matter what this demon' s have gone and are doing anyways.
"You'll eat breakfast with the Family." I said plainly as I left the room. Brushing the thought of the wolves aside as it didn't seem important. The boy hurriedly got down from his bed and followed me out the room and closes the bedroom door before jogging a little to catch up to me in the corridor.
I was assigned by Master Ralf (Alexander) with a co-worker to take care of this 'demon', I sneered internally. The previous head butler is about to retire and the master will pick a head butler by putting us to the test by looking after young master Jackson, young miss Rachel and added to the test since yesterday the demon.I don't know what the general sees in the demon.
We walked quickly to the dinning hall and to my surprise the frail looking demon kept up and wasn't even out of breath by the time we got there. It's no secret that master doesn't favour this demon despite adopting it. He is given the smallest room in the mansion along with the entire west wing wich is far from anything and anyone, even the servants quarters. It's a full 5 minute walk even at our pace to get from the demon's bedroom to the dinning hall.
Upon arriving at the table where the Ralf family had already started eating not even bothering yo wait for their new addition to the family. The demon sat two seats away from young master Jackson and no one opposite him.
No one questioned it or even spared him a glance as he sat down to eat his now cold and very small breakfast. The rest of the family's breakfast consisted of two eggs, two pieces of bacon, two slices of buttered bread, small bowl of fruit and a glass of milk, juice, coffee or tea. While the demon only had a slice of plain toast, an egg and a glass of water.
It was clear to the entire household that the general didn't favour this demon child so it baffled everyone as to why he insists on keeping it here. After breakfast each member of the Ralf family left to go about their day.
Eve's POV
It was clear I was unwelcomed here and hearing from murmurs of rumors of the servants no one knows why the general insists on keeping me here.I on the other hand am not stupid. I knew since the beginning that when he said he was fond of me with 'that' smile I knew he wanted to use me.
It was unplanned for but I could easily get myself out of this situation. I originally didn't want to attract attention to myself but its not my fault people in this world are so stupid. I mean Wich bloody emperor would need to send his head general for problems as simple as hunting low rank monsters, besides with the general's status and wealth I was bound to land up in school at some point and this is beneficial to me as I can learn more basic common sense of Reinfer.
I ate my small breakfats as the Ralf Family chattered. Once they were finished they went about thier own day and I, my own. Arriving outside the rude butler simply told me where the school was on map then left leaving the map with me.
Meanwhile the Ralf siblings climbed into a carriage and headed for school. I suppose they expect me to walk to school. It won't matter either ways. I can check out the capital while I'm at it.
Third person's POV
One could see a luxurious carriage leave the gates of the Ralf's premises and ten whole minutes later a small child with black hair and green eyes jogged slowly out the gate after the carriage.
The garden of the Ralf House was so big it took the carriage at least ten minutes to leave the premises. Eve leaving only ten minutes later the carriage is actually really slow considering that he could run at a pace even faster then demon wolves wich out ran the carriage horses by far.

Revenant of an Esper
FantasyIn the world called earth there are people called espers. Espers were people who had various powers, some had the power to find things, some can talk to the dead, some could control elements, the powers of espers varied greatly. Espers although coul...