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    I was in the shower for the first time in a month but was actually probably just a few hours (time travel is tricky like that). I was looking down at my scar, or if you could call it that. The scar was a dark shade of purple and the skin around it had lines that were the same color. It looked like vines were slowly wrapping around me. I'd have to ask my spirits if they knew anything about it.

    That's the other thing. My spirits. I haven't seen them in weeks. Does time travel affect celestial spirts? If it doesn't, does that mean they'd remember what's going to happen? My stomach feels with excitement and anxiety at the thought of finally seeing them. I step out of the shower and dry off with my white fluffy towel. Even if I really want to see my guild mates again, something's telling me that I should at least summon Loke first. The only problem will be to get Natsu and Happy to go to the guild without me. I start to get dressed into a tight crop top that's white with navy blue as the out line. I then put on detached sleeves that are mostly white but with the blue outline at the top. I put on a black skirt that goes mid-thigh. I leave my hair down letting it reach down to my lower back. At this time, my style would be different. I would hardly ever leave my hair fully down and I usually would wear flashier clothing. The next two years I took my time to mature more and I developed a new style that was more fitting for my age,

    Just before I twisted the door knob, a thought flashed through me head. My magic. I don't feel like I have the same power level as I did during this time. I feel like I'm just as powerful as I was in the future. This makes me feel relief and terror at the same time. On the bright note, I can start right where I left off and become stronger faster. On the bad note, I'm sure everyone will feel the difference in my magic level. I spent a lot of time training and not only unlocked all of the star dresses; I also learned spells as well. Some could help with protecting others, such as creating a star-shaped shield. Other's helped me with attacking. One spell creates a big blast that will always knock the enemy out (although it takes a lot of magic power).

    God. Why am I overthinking everything? I know what I have to do, there's no point in worrying about things that will only distract me. I turn the knob and see Natsu and Happy sitting on my couch eating food. My food, obviously. I feel the urge to yell at them. Maybe... just maybe I'll let this day be normal. Even if I'm terrified of everything at the moment, I'll take this one day.

    And I'll cherish it with all my heart.

    So I let my mouth open and let the words slip through my mouth. "What are you I guys doing?! You can get food at the guild, so don't go stealing mine!" I act angry, but I'm not. I'll never be angry with them, and they know it. Natsu and Happy turn to look at me and split Cheshire grins at my direction.

    "But Luceeee! You were taking so long and we got hungry! What else do you suspect us to do? Starve?" I can't help but let a grin come upon my face as I heard Natsu whine. It was so nice to act normal again, even if it was only for a second. I let the grin that I once adorned slip off my face.

    "Natsu, I know we agreed to walk to the guild but I have a change of plans. I need to talk to Loke about something important. And I need to do it alone." I feel guilt wash over me as I see the smile wiped off of their faces.

    "Do you really need to talk to him alone." He has something in his eyes that looked familiar to me. Could it be jealousy? I snicker at the thought of that.

    "Yeah. Sorry Natsu, Happy." It's silent for a few moments before Natsu's face lights up.

    "How about Happy and I wait outside for you!"

    "Are you sure? I don't know how long it'll take." He replies with an excited nod and I let out an exasperated sigh. "Well then I'm fine with it. Thanks, guys."

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