No Longer Me

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Warning: contains a fair amount of cussing, implies torture and rape and self-depreciation. Read at your own risk.


Her voiced was filled with so much malice -so much hate, that it had shocked everyone. This Lucy was no longer the Lucy known as the light of Fairy Tail. It just took six months for the guild to figure it out.

"You're name is Lucy right?" After getting a stiff nod in response the man continued, "Well, why would you not want me to join, Lucy-San?"

His blood red eyes bore into her chocolate ones. They were consumed with insanity and pure, raw anger. It's a shame no one but Lucy noticed.

She felt her magic swell inside her, the intent to kill was deep and powerful but she pushed it aside. He didn't deserve something as easy as death. Not after Yukino.

"Yeah, Lucy. Why?" Erza asked. The red ahead -along with everyone else- had noticed the sudden change in Lucy and were high on guard. Something was about to go down, and she had a feeling that it won't be pretty.

Lucy sneered, "You can't seriously be thinking of letting this piece of shit into the guild, right?"

The man had the guts to look hurt.

"Lucy-San! Is that anyway to treat a potential member? I thought you were nice!" For someone as crazy as him, he acted like a child.

This was when Lucy had snapped. She didn't bother to hold in her magic power anymore, nor the murderous intent. She just didn't care anymore.

She had stood up from her seat next to Natsu (Who was too shocked to do anything) and walked over to him. The action had scared everyone in the room. A dark aura had surrounded her as it enveloped everything around it and her eyes were colder than ice; never letting them betray her emotions.

She smirked when she saw a flash of fear enter the monster's eyes. That's good. She wanted him to fear her -he should fear her.

Once she got about a foot away, she stopped. "Listen hear, Kai." Lucy's voice was calm and precise. The calm before the storm.

And everybody knew it.

"I'm not talking to you like a potential member, because you will never be one. Perhaps in some other fucked up universe, but not this one. I won't allow it." Not again.

The man grew a knowing look onto his face and smirked. Everyone was watching, too scared to step in.

The most terrifying part was that they didn't know who to be scared of.

Kai walked closer to her and leaned in so his lips grazed her ear. This made Natsu tense up because he was to close to her and he did not like that.

He whisper so only she could hear, "She screamed, you know. Screamed until her throat got all scratched up, and then, she screamed some more." Lucy instantly got rigid at hearing this.

It was silent for a few seconds before Lucy spoke with the same calm voice as before. If not, just a tad bit more murderous.

Lucy grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up in one swift movement. He was shorter than her, so she had  no problem helping him level the eye contact. She enjoyed the wheezing sound he made when her grip on his neck tightened.

The calm had ended. And now was the raging hurricane.

"Listen here, you son of a bitch. I know plenty of people who would have no problem beating the shit out of you until you're a broken, bloody mess. And then some." She's giving a hint to who this man really was to the guild. Like throwing a dog a bone.

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