District 1

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Charles pov

Today was the worst day for any mutant. Reaping. The reaping is where the Capitol put names of every mutant in the district into a bowl. It used to be girls in one bowl and boys in another but they now put them together.

My whole family was murdered by Peace Keepers,so I stay clear of them. There was a faint knock at my door. It was Bella. She was my only human friend,the rest of them are scared of mutants.

"Hey,how are you doing?" She asked calmly.
"Fine" I replied,trying to drop the conversation.
"So erm after the reaping,do you want to go get something to eat?" She questioned eagerly. I saw into her mind,she loved me. A lot.

"Sure,I need to get ready so see you after the reaping" She smiled and kissed my cheek. The door clicked quietly behind her. At least this will be my least reaping. I turn 19 in two months so,if I don't get picked,its over for me. I had layed out a suit on my bed and I gazed at it.

It was my fathers. I ran a bath and hoped in. The warm water soothed my aching muscles,I had been working all day and training. After 10 minuets,I got out and got dressed. The suit fit me perfectly. I remember when he first have it to me.


It was my first reaping and I was sweating and shaking. My father came in to comfort me. He passed me something big and black. The fabric was soft and comfy.
"What is this?" I asked in my posh voice.
"For when your older. Your last reaping,if it fists you" I replied in his clam manner.

End of flashback

That was the year my best friend was picked to go in. It was torture watching his shaky body step only the stage. They asked for volunteers. Nobody answered. I wanted to but the words were caught up in my mouth.

He died in the cornucopia. Didn't even last a day. I sortered out my messy hair and the bells rang,signalling all of the mutants to come. My legs were shaking as I stepped to one of the peace keepers. They have to take your name,aga and power. They only need you first name so that's good.

"Mutant power?"
"Mutant name?"
"Professor X"
Finger" I handed her my finger,and she took a blood sample. "You know where to stand. NEXT!"

I walked over to the other mutants my age. We stood at the back whist the youngest go to the front. A woman stepped onto the stage,wearing orange.
"Welcome,welcome to the reaping of the 74th Hunger Games. As always we watch the clip from Presedent Snow" She chirped.

This is the part I tuned out. A boy my age was looking at me. It was Eric. We know each other's powers and we are good friends. "Ok let's pick out first mutant" She placed her hand in the bowl and moved it about. She grabbed a slip and opened it up.

"Charles" My legs felt like buckling underneath me. I slowly walked to the stage. All eyes were on me. Eric looked upset. I stepped on the stage and glanced at the crowd. "Now tell us your mutant power"
"Telepathy" I managed to choke out. "What's your mutant name?"
"Professor X"
"Good now let's pick the next tribute." She fumbled around again. She cleared her throat.

"Eric" I couldn't believe it. First me,now my best friend. Eric didn't care as much. He trained all of his life for this,he was a very powerful mutant. "What is your power Eric?"
"Metal bender"
He spoke with confidence.

Bella had tears steaming down her pale face. They never let us see friends or family. Peace keepers pushed us onto the train. That was that. The train shot of to the Capitol.

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