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Charles pov

Alex was having a heart attack. I have never seen him this tense, even though I have only known him a few days.
"BANSHEE!" He yelled.
"SEAN!" Kitty bellowed.
"ARE YOU THERE?!" Quicksilver added. In Quicksilvers mind, he was trusting us a lot more now.

"Guys we should look quietly" I explained. They nodded.
"Guys look!" Hank ordered. We ran over. A faint blood trail.
"Think you can track it?" Raven asked him. He turned into his blue self.
"I should" He took a deep sniff. "This way" Beast was leading us down rocks and up hills until we came to a creek.

A cannon went of. Alex face paled.
"It won't be him!" Hank comforted. Alex didn't listen, tears began building up in his eyes.
"It's going to be ok, he is going to be fine!"

Bella's pov

I watched the games intentivly. When Charles ran to the cornucopia and when he left with his ally's. They stopped halfway up a mountain up get water. Charles stopped everyone from drinking it. It was a trick the game makers put in. It was actually acid.

They placed their sacks down and talked for ages. I was sad that he didn't mention me, but releived also. President Snow is watching and if he knows about me, things won't be good. The screen suddenly turned black.

"Father, what's going on? Where is Charles?" I questioned. The screen focused on the 14 year old. He had landed for a rest. His red/ginger hair was shinning in the moon light.
"There is going to be a fight" Was his reply.

He stared at the screen with excitement filling his eyes. It sickens me to see him like this, wishing death upon a 14 year old. The trees and bushes were pushed part to reveal Pyro, Shaw and a few others.
"I told you I would kill you!" Pyro taunted his eyes gleaming with joy.

Sean screamed and was about to take of before Pyro hit him with a fire ball. He fell to the ground and screamed in agony and pain.
"Stupid kid!" He spat at him. He kicked his stomach and Shaw pulled out a dagger. Pyro lit the end on fire. The blaze was huge and deadly. He plunged it into his stomach.

Banshee screamed and it sent everyone flying back. Sean found his feet and began running. John was about to follow, when Shaw stopped him.
"Let him go. If her survives, which is highly unlikely, we can kill him then. He is in loads of pain, leave him" Pyro sighed but nodded.

They ran of laughing. The kid was stumbling around, probably loosening consciousness every second. He came to a massive lake and he collapsed at the other side.
"That's it?!" My father bellowed, slamming his alcohol bottle on the table. It smashed but he ignore it. "They are just going to leave a perfectly good fight?!"

"Father!" My voice was high pitched but I was to angry to care. "Why do you want him to die? He is 14!" I yelled. Father smirked.
"What would you do if that was me?" He shut up and the smirk faded.
"I don't know."

I stomped to my room and slammd the door shut. I winced a little when the bang echoed but right now all that was on my mind was Charles. Maybe he can hear me? I started thinking of messages.

"He is at the river Charles. Sean is laying their broken and bruised on the river bank. The massive river, he won't last long. Find him!"

I kept thinking that over and over again.

Charles pov

We were still trecking through the woods when a persons thought hit me. It was Bella. I stoped and listend carefully.
"Charles, Charles what wrong?" Eric asked worriedly.
"Bella is calling to me in her mind. She is on about a river, a massive one. Then Sean laying their broken and bruised. She saw what happened to him!" I yelled.

"GUYS!" Kitty screeched. We turned to her. She pointed down the hill she was stood on. As quick as lightning, we ran up the hill. Below us was a calm but massive river.
"He's is here" Alex spoke. "I'm sure" Havok quickly made his way down the hill and began scanning the area.

We joined him when I saw something on the opposite side.
"Look!" We ran over. It was Sean. He layed their unconscious, his breathing slow and uneven. Hank knelt down and began examining him carefully.
"We need to clean it." Banshee woke up and smiled at us.

Alex, Hank, Eric and I made an attempt to move him, but he just hissed and screeced in pain.
"Look, I know it hurts, but just calm down and take a deep breath!" Alex comforted. He took in a breath and nodded his head. We moved him. He shut his eyes and clamped his mouth shut. He wasn't breathing. Finally, we set him down in the river.

Rogue grabbed loads of leaves and we soaked them and Hank used them as cloths. After he was done, Sean tried to stand.
"No!" We all yelled at him. He put his arms up in defence and sat back down. The sun slowly rose and it brightend up the whole place.
"We need a cave to stay in. He can't climb and staying out in the open is dangerous." Eric warned.

We decided to get going now. Slowly, we helped Sean to his feet. He hid the pain we were putting on him. After about 20 minuets of walking, Banshee collapsed. The heat was not helping at all.
"Sean?" Alex asked. Sean tried to stand, but the energy was gone in him.

"Come on, try!" Kitty pleaded. There was footsteps coming closer. We all heard them. Banshee was trying his best to stand. Luckily it was just a deer. Sean was up on his feet, and we were setting off.
"We are idiots!" Sean cried out.
"What?" Bobby asked.
"We never filled up our water bottles"
"Oh I did" Raven smiled.

We smiled back.
"What's that?" Sean asked,pointing to something.
"A cave" I sighed in relief. My arms were aching, so me and Pietro swapped places. Inside it was big and warm. We set our backpacks down. I took out my sack and climbed in. Eric was on look out first. Slowly I began to drift off.


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