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Charles pov

"You have got sponsors kid!" Logan praised.
"Thanks" I muttered.
"Tomorrow,you have your test. I would use your telepathy or something" He finished before walking of. The lights turned of and I was stood in the darkness.

"You ok?" Eric asked me.
"What oh yeah, fine" I lied, I was everything but fine. I sat by the window and looked over the city. Thousands of people will be getting ready for the games. Some placing bets already. Usually everyone bets once they see our scores. Though last year a young girl got the score of 4 but killed nearly everybody.

"Do you know what your doing for the test?" Eric asked sitting opposite me and gazing outside. He was trying to break the uncomfortable silence between us, but I wasn't in the mood for talking.
"No" Was my response.
"Do you trust the others?" He questioned. This time I had to think and listen.
"I don't know" I groaned.

"What did they all think?" Magneto asked.
"They will all kill. Sean will only if they try to hurt him and Raven on a killing spree" I replied.
"What is the point in these games? What is the fun in seeing a child who can't even be an adult be murdered?" He clenched his fists and his jaw.

"It's our punishment. We get punished for things our ancestors did. We arnt like that any more!" He finished. He sighed and looked at him.
" We can't change the past. What's done is done" I murmured.
"I wonder if the rest of the word know. Or do they not know we exist?" Eric wondered.

"I would go with both. They probably want to stay out of this." I agreed.
"I'm going to bed" He stood up and left me alone. The only light was the bright streets below. Slowly, my legs made their way to my bed and plopped me in. Tiredness took over me and I fell asleep.

"GET UP WE ARE LATE!" Logan screamed into my ear. I jolted awake and glared at him. "Come on you don't want to be late for you test!" He growled at me. Sighing, I pushed myself out of bed and hopped into the shower. Warm water felt nice but my body wouldn't wake up.

Without thinking, I turned the water down to the lowest temperature. Freezing water sprated all over my body. I hopped out and dried myself of. I got a hair dryer and began styling my messy hair. My brown hair decided to listen to me. There was a thunderous knock at my door.

"What?!" I cried.
"Come on!" Eric shouted. I grabbed a slice of toast and we were off towards the training place. Other districts were sat in specific places. We had to walk through staring eyes and snickers before we found our place.

A woman's voice called out.
"Magneto" Eric stood up and walked towards the door. I saw a glimpse of inside before they slammed,making everyone jump. 5 minuets passed and Eric came back in with a smug looking face.
"What did you do?" I hissed.
"You will see, when you go in" He chimed.

"Professor X" My feet guided me to the doors. Inside there was a white plastic body. Red paint was splattered around it resemberling blood. A dagger was throw into the place where his hear should be. Words we scribbled only it's chest. They read:
Know who the real enermy is!

He did understand what I meant. The thoughts of young kids were swarming through my head. The way they cried out when being murdered. I began shaking.
"Charles,you have 5 minuets" I faced then and glared.

Looking around I saw another manican and picked it up. I began writing on it. I drew blood on its head. I grabbed a dagger and made it stick to its hands. I postined the hand, so it was pointing to its heart. The game maker was watching me intentivly. I stepped back and tied a rope around its kneck.

Pulling the rope, the body flew up and everyone gasped. The message on its chest was:
Telepathy can do many things

They all began fearing for their lives. I left the room, grinning. Everyone looked at me.
"What did you do?!" Banshee questioned.
"Something that if I wasn't in the games they would execute me." I smiled smugly.

Magneto looked at me.
"I guess you got my message?"
"Yep and I wrote my own"
"What?" You will find out soon. When they show us our scores, they show everyone our tests and what we did.
"They are going to hate us for what we did" I said.
"I'm desperate to know what you did."

"All in good time my friend." After everyone was finshed, they sent us back to our appartments.
"How did it go?" Logan asked.
"Well um you will find out" Eric stuttered.

After 3 hours we turned the T.V on.
"Hello hello. Thank you for watching, now let's get on with it. District 1. Magneto-10." We all clapped and cheered. Then they showed us his training test. Logan grinned. "Now Professor X-11" We all gasped.

They showed us my finshed work. Eric laughed at my work.
"I see what you mean now" He chucked.

The rest I only listed to some people. The people I listend to were

They got...

We all got pretty high scores. Night soon came and my stomach was very queay. Tomorrow are the games. I began shaking and layed in bed. I finally fell asleep at 3:45am.

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