District 2

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Bobby's pov

John and I were sat in the living room. People think we are strange friends,I mean I'm ice and he is fire,but oh well. This is our last reaping.
"Can't what until this is over!" John exclaimed happily. I didn't reply. My sister and brother were both ice powers. They got killed when I was younger. "Look I know your upset. My family is dead to. The past is the past" He comforted.

We were all ready dressed. The bells began chiming. We walked to the peace keepers.
"Mutant power?"
"I can control fire"
"Mutant name?"
"Go stand with the others. NEXT!"

I stepped forward.
"Mutant power?"
"Control ice"
"Mutant name?"
"Ice man"
"Go stand with the other. NEXT!" She pricked my finger before I stood next to John.

We watches the film clip and Millie placed her hand in the jar of names. She plucked one out and cleared her throat. She leaned forward towards the microphone.
"Bobby" The world felt like it was ending. My legs managed to find themselves onto the stage.
"Mutants power?"
"Control ice"
"Mutant name?"
"Ice man"

She picked another card out.
"John" Oh no. John looked scared also.
"Mutant power"
"I can control fire"
"Mutant name?"

They pushed us onto the train in the blink of an eye.

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