Training 2

46 0 1

Charles pov

The tweeting of birds woke me up. I glanced at the clock 7:30. I had another half an hour. My eyes refused to close and my body wouldn't relax. It is just the thought of the games starting soon.

My stomach felt queasy and my throat was burning up. Running to my bathroom,I began to throw up my insides. There was a knock at my door,but I didn't answer it.
"Hey kid,you ok?!" Logan's voice asked.
"Y...yes" I chocked.
"Come to the dining room then,we need to discuss survival skills. What to do,and what not to do."

"Ok" I flushed the toilet and unlocked my bathroom door. Quickly,I changed into my training clothes and made my way downstairs. Eric just came out of his room, and we walked down in silence.

"About time" He grumbled. We sat down and cleared our throats.
"Are you going to tell us then?" I asked.
"Try and get a backpack and some form of weapon. If you know you won't survive,don't risk it. Never start a fire at night,that is asking to be killed. You,use your ability to see into other peoples mind. You use you metal bending to harm people. Don't forget, your a career. You are the top people" He informed.

"But I don't want to kill. None of us do"I explained. He snorted.
"You wait till the games,every man for himself" He laughed.
"How did you win?" Claws slowly emerged from his knuckles.
"I also heal,I can't die" He smirked. "There are two other people you should trust" He began.
"Who?" Eric asked.
"Mystique and Beast" He finished.

"We haven't talked to them yet. They haven't made any ally's with any one else" I announced.
"Ok,if you say so" He sighed. Breakfast was quick and we were sent back down to the training center. This time I decided to use weapons. Then I rembered what Logan said. We are careers. The careers always won.

We were last again. We joined up with everyone from last night.
"Where is Alex and Sean?" Eric asked. Kitty pointed to the knives station. They were hitting the targets right in the middle each time. Never missed once. Pyro now seemed uncomfortable.
"They're good" Eric grinned.

They came over.
"Hey!" They chorused.
"Can you teach us how to throw like that?" Rogue questioned. Alex agreed but Banshee went to go practice some survival traps. I joined him.
"How did you learn to throw like that?" I asked. He lowered his voice.
"I had to go hunting" I nodded,he would be murdered for that. Shot dead on the spot.

Raven and Hank came over. Hank seemed shy and didn't say anything.
"Hey!" Raven greeted enthusiastically.
"Erm hi" I smiled nervously.
"Ready for the show tonight?" She questioned. Sean groaned dramatically but smiled.
"Why,what is wrong with that?" I asked.

He looked at me strangely.
"Your stylists or mentors will get killed for doing something wrong" My mouth hung open. There was a bell,signaling lunch. Bobby and Rogue started to become really close. Darwin was sat with Colossus, Blink,Storm and Cyclops. Raven and Hank sat with us.

We got to know each other even more.
"Can't believe the games start in two days!" Bobby exclaimed,sighing. We didn't let Beast and Mystique know the plan, they didn't trust us. They did a bit but not like everyone else. Everyone's face darkned when Sean spoke up.
"What happens is we all survive?" This got us thinking.

I couldn't kill Eric. Sean I was half and half. I decided to look into everyone's mind.

Eric- I can't kill Charles,it's not right. Plus we have been friends for years. My biggest threat are Kitty, Rogue and Banshee.

Alex- I can't kill Banshee or Charles. Banshee because he is from my district. We have known each other since my parents were murdered and him and his family took me in. He is like my younger brother. He is the youngest. Charles because he kind and trustworthy. Sean had taken a likening to him.

Sean- I can't kill anyone. I just don't like the fact. If any one hurts me or tries to kill me, I will hurt them just not kill. Snap out of it Banshee. Your going to have to kill someone. Only if they pose a threat or are trying to kill me. I'm not killing any of these people. What will happen when if all survive?

Bobby- I can't kill Pyro. I can't kill Charles. I can't kill Rogue. Apart from that, I will kill them if they try to kill me.

Raven- Kill or be killed. Kill or be killed. Kill or be killed. Kill or be killed.

Hank- I will kill if I need to. Just not Raven.

Anna- I can't kill Kitty. I can't kill Bobby either. I think I like him! Everyone else, I can kill.

Katherine- I can't kill Rogue or Charles. Everyone else better not harm me.

Pietro- I don't trust anyone here. I don't want to kill,but it doesn't mean I won't.

These thoughts shocked me. Everyone looked at me and glared.
"I'm sorry" I mumbled.
"What?" Pietro asked.
"I saw into your minds. You really thing that?" I looked at Raven.
"It's the truth!" She snapped.
"No it's not. Know who the real enemy is"
"What?" Everybody asked.
"You will understand soon"

Training was over after another 3 hours. I hopped into the bath and got changed into my show clothes. Logan knocked on my door. I sorted out my hair and we left.

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