District 4

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Raven's pov

I was sat in the living room. I was putting my hair up into a braid. My mother used to do this before she kicked me out and then was murdered. My blue dress was layed out on the bed. Perfectly straight.

Sighing, I picked up the dress and put it on. My blonde hair was neat and my green eyes looked at myself in the mirror. I remember when my mum made it.


"Mummy what ever are you doing?" I asked.
"Making you something for when you are beautiful and older." She smiled at me. I turned into my blue form and I smiled. "Raven! Turn back into the beautiful you!" My mother scolded me.

The words hurt more than when the girls push me about at school.
"I'm not beautiful?" I questioned upset.
"Yes you are just not like that!" She snapped. I quickly changed only my blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin Raven. She smiled. "Perfect,look your not a freak like that. Never change into that disgusting version of you!" She informed.
"Yes mother!"

End of flashback

Tears ran down my face. The words still hurt me now. I changed into my blue form. There was a small knock at the door. As quick and lighting,I shifted back into my normal self. It was only Hank. He was a mutant also.
"Ready?" He asked. Smiling I nodded my head.

Luckily the tear stains were gone. The bells chimed and we stalked along the dirt path. Other mutants followed us. We had to go our seperate ways. Luckily,we were both 18 so this was out last reaping.
"Name?" A peace keeper asked when it was my turn.
"Mutant power?"
"Can change my form to look like anyone."
"Mutants name?"
"Finger" I handed her my finger and she pricked it.

I walked with the other mutant girls and stood at the back. I didn't even listen to Tina's welcome speech or the clip.
"Now it's time to choose our mutants competing" She placed her hand in and swirled it around.
"Raven" I felt the colour drain from my face. I walked to the stage and everyone was looking at me.
"Mutant power?"
"I can change my form to look like anyone" I explained.

She picked out another card. Tina cleared her throat.
"Hank" My world had just crashed down. Hank stood beside me.
"Mutant power?" Hank changed into his other form. He them changed back.

They shoved us onto the train and we were of.

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