Another death

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Charles pov

We all stood up and ran to the source of the scream. In the middle of a clearing, Rogue was screaming and crying over Kitty. Everybody gasped.
"What happened?" I questioned.
"P...Pyro" Rogue sobbed. Bobby ran over and scooped her up into his arms. "He jumped out and stabbed her!" She screamed.
"It's ok. Everything is going to be ok" Bobby murmured into her hair. She snuggled into his chest and began sobbing.
"Did you find Alex and Sean?" I asked. Rogue shook her head. My stomach wanted to throw up everything inside me, but I didn't let it.

There was another scream, but it wasn't normal.
"Sean!" I cried. I began running forward, a weapon in my hand. There was a bright red flash then silence. I found Sean and Alex stood over a tribute. Sabertooth. His ears were bleeding and there was a gaping hole in his chest.

They didn't even notice I was here.
"There aren't many tributes left." Alex murmured.
"I...I know" Sean stuttered.
"We will stay for a bit longer. We will have to leave soon." He informed before turning around.
"Charles?" Sean asked looking at me.

"K...Kitty is d...d...d" The words wouldn't come out of my mouth. They were stuck at the back of my throat.
"" Banshee asked.
"Pyro" Banshee's face was a twisted anger. In his mind, he began thinking ways to kill him.
"I swear I'm gunna kill him!" Alex muttered, walking towards me.
"So, your thinking of just walking away from us now?" I asked them. Sean looked down, whilst Alex looked at me.
"How much did you hear?" He questioned, tossing the two dead rabbits on the floor beside Sean.
"All of it" I answered.

"It's not like that." Sean began.
"Then what is it like?" I snapped.
"We don't want to have to kill you" He finished. I pushed past Alex and grabbed the rabbits.
"You might as well go" I muttered. "Your leaving soon anyway" I hissed.
"So you take the food we caught for you, and now your shooing us off?" Alex asked, stepping towards me.
"I just thought you might murder us in our sleep, makes things easier for you" I shrugged.
"Look into my head Charles, look at the reason!" Alex was in my face now, anger evident. I placed my fingers to my temple and looked through his mind.

Parts of his past kept seeping through, but I have learnt not to nosy. None of his thoughts was to kill us. Instead he wants to protect us with his life. I removed my fingers and a embarrassed expression crept up onto my red cheeks.
"Sorry" I murmured before walking away from them. Someone presence was close, their footsteps soon behind me. Without checking who it was, I swung a punch. It hit their stomach. It was Sean. "Oh Sean, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I thought you were another tribute!" I spoke quickly.
"I'm ok" He wheezed, getting to his feet. Alex joined us, and the rest of the walk was silent.

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