First hunt

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Charles pov

Food was now running low. We had to have a big meal last night, especially Banshee. So we only have a few berries and a couple of beef strips.
"We need to hunt!" I announced. They nodded.
"Banshee and I can" Alex exclaimed. I was a little uneasy with the idea of Sean going out.

Last night, he did everything he could to avoid me. He didn't even want to breath the same air I did.
"Coming Sean?" Havok questioned. Sean stood up and made his way to the entrance of the cave.
"If we arn't back in a day, look for us?" Alex spoke like it was a question.

We nodded and they left with ropes and weapons.
"Do you think they will come back?" Bobby asked glumly. We sent death glares to him. Since yesterday's accident, he had been saying deepressing thoughts to us. Things we really can't bare and stuff that isn't relevant.
"Shut up Ice man!" Eric snapped.

He sighed and looked at him.
"What if they don't?" Nobody moved or answered him. He looked at us, waiting for an answer we don't have. "Well?"
"We will have to send people out" I spluttered, not to sure on the idea.
"I will!" Kitty and Rogue exclaimed together. They looked at each other and burst into fits of giggles and laughs. We rolled out eyes at them.

The temperatures were changing rapidly. When it is night, you have to huddle close to stay warm, whilst in the day, even your body temperature makes you melt. A soft, cooling breeze blew past and helped us. Sweat was running down my forehead an dripping down my nose. They landed on a leaf below me.

Last night we were restless, so every one of us is tired. Someone ran out from the bushes. It was Wade. He had a rabbit clutched in his left hand, a sword in his right. Two daggers were attached to his belt. A backpack was slung over his shoulders. He had a long deep cut running down the right side of his face. His breathing was quick and sharp.

He was looking around for someone. Each second made him nervous.
"Stupid Shaw!" He growled to know one. "Thinks he can kill Sabertooth and nearly me!" He fell onto his knees, tears streaming down his face. "He is all I had." Wade sobbed. Mystique moved an inch. Leaves rustled under her, making a loud noise.

Deadpool shot up in fear and anticipation. "Who's there?" He called out. We all shuffled out towards him. Wade dropped to the ground, throwing his sword away from him. "Kill me quickly!" He begged at me. This shocked me.
"We aren't going to hurt you" I exclaimed, moving towards him.

"I know, but I don't want to live. No friends, and no family. No purpose to be here" He shot at me. This caught me of guard. I had friends and I had to stay here for everyone.
"I can't!" I murmured. Eric stepped forward, eyeing him carefully. Raising his hand, he pulled something out of his sleve. It was a dagger. With something on it.

"Sneaky!" Jeered Eric. "To bad I know where metal is" He grinned. "Poisen eh? That would kill a person in a matter of minuets. Wouldn't it?" He asked, smirking at him. His eyes were glaring with glee.
"Y...yes" Stuttered Wade. Magneto turned the dagger so it was facing him.

"So you were going to kill Charles. My best friend. Well, that will not be allowed." He was about to shoot it out him when Bobbh pushed forward. He blocked every escape possible. Something inside me clicked. I felt like he needed to die! He needed to suffer the mose pain anybody has ever had to deal with.

Eric shot it at him, when I spoke up.
"To bad I know Sabertooth isn't dead!" I hissed happily. Magneto seemed shock at my comment but smiled after a few seconds. Wade began gasping for air and fell to the floor. He started squirming about, breaking his arm and leg in the process. The threw himself forward and a crack of the rib reached out ears.

This is like my hunt. Havok and Banshee are hunting for animals, whilst I'm hunting for mutants. I suddenly snapped out of my trance and horror consumed me. What have I done?


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