Let the games begin

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3rd persons pov

Each tribute was stood there shaking. Eric and Charles were opposite sides from each other.
"30,29,28,27,26,25" The booming voice called.

"Does everybody know the plan?"Charles voice called in his head.
"Yes!" Chorused a bunch of voices.

"15,14,13,12,11,10" Everyone got into their stances. Banshee was facing the woods whilst everyone else was going straight to the middle.
"6,5,4,3,2,1,0" The signal went of and all the tributes ran. Quicksilver was there first and he picked up a backpack.

Kitty picked one up. Colossus came up behind her and was about to stab her. The blade went through her. She turned round, grabbed the blade and killed him. He fell to the ground with a deafening thud.
"Kitty!" Rogue called racing up to her. They were looking for everyone else.

Charles and Eric were with Bobby. Toad tried to hit them but Bobby froze his tongue. Eric made some metal come to him and smashed it against his head. Toad fell to the ground.

" let's go left of the cornucopia!" Charles thought in his mind. The team of ally's ran to the left. They ran until they couldn't breath anymore.

Pyro stabbed Darwin and Darwin fell. Blink and Azazel teleported away, along with Riptide. Blood covered the grass and some stained the walls.

Charles pov

We ran until we couldn't breath. The air was a little thinner here. Up head was a giant mountain with a waterfall running down the side.
"Water!" Bobby cried hugging Rogue. They blushed and let go.
"What about Sean?" Alex questioned. That got us thinking.

I tried to find him, but something was stopping me.
"The Capitol have done something. I can't find anyone!" I shouted. Alex was silent.
"We should get the water and meet back up at the cornucopia" Eric suggested.

We began to climb up the steep mountain. Half way up, there was a small pond. Running, we grabbed our water bottles. The sound of the cannons made me jump. I kicked some rocks and they fell into the water.

The water began to bubble and sizzle.
"WAIT!" I cried. They looked at me funny.
"What?" Pietro questioned. I grabbed a stick and placed it into the pond. The water sizzled and bubble again. I brought the stick up. It was burnt and and half of it was missing.

"It's acid!" Eric hissed angrily.
"BANSHEE!" Alex screamed.
"What?" Bobby questioned looking at him.
"What if the rest of the water is acid. Or the lake he has found!" Havok began panicking. Another cannon fired, signaling another persons death.

"Let's look in our backpacks." I suggested. I had some berries and beef strips. A black sack, rope, hook for my rope and a water bottle. Everyone else had the same.
"There is still food at the cornucopia" Quicksilver announced.
"Hmm let's wait" I suggested.

"Are you like the leader now?" Kitty questioned. I shrugged.
"I think you should" Mystique announced. Hank agreed. There were some soft footsteps. Riptide was now in front of us. Tornadoes erupted from both his hands. I nodded at Pietro. Before you could even blink, Riptide was on the floor.

He wasn't breathing. A cannon signaled his death.
"Did you have to kill him?" I asked.
He shrugged.
"Do you want him after us?"
"No" I mumbled. Logan was right, everyone changes in the games. It doesn't matter what age.

"Let's set up camp and stay here for a bit" Eric suggested, laying down his black sack. We followed and sat down in silence. There was a high pitch scream. It wasn't a normal one. Alex smiled.
"Guess he is ok" He smirked.
"Oh wait what?!" Bobby asked. We facepalmed.
"Banshee you idiot!" Eric laughed.

Soon we were all laughing. The stars soon came out. The temperature dropped. We began making our way back. The cornucopia was empty. Quicksilver and Kitty picked up some food. There was a lot.

1 hour passed and we became uneasy. Where is he? Laughter filled the air and we hid.
"That stupid kid. Why didn't you let me finish him of?" Pyro whined. Alex sucked in a breath.
"Because, that stab wound to his stomach, will put him loads of pain. He won't last long without medical attention!" Shaw smiled.

"If you say so" That group soon left us alone.
"They have hurt him! They have hurt him! THEY HAVE HURT HIM!" Alex screamed at the top of his lungs.
"Shhh!" Eric hissed.
"We need to find him. NOW!" I yelled. We ran in the direction where they came out. Nothing. Then we saw blood, everywhere.

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