[03] Babysitter From Hell

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The bell on the door of the shop clanged and Isadora looked up to see a boy of around her age enter the shop. He had messy hair that fell over his face, obscuring his eyes from view and it seemed as if he had just woken up from a heavy slumber.

He made his way to the counter, taking the notepad from Isadora without even looking up as he scribbled down his order and returned it. Steph had gone to check up on Alex in the kitchen so she was alone at the counter.

"Would you need anything else?" she asked politely but he just shook his head.

Though before he went off to sit on one of the tables in wait for his order, Steph had returned and seeing him a wide smile spread on her face, "oh look, Sleepyface is here at last." Then turning to Dora, she added, "meet Timmy, the coffeeholic we had all been waiting for since morning."

She gestured Dora to take the order to Alex while she stopped Tim in his tracks, flinging an arm around his shoulders. He groaned in irritation, trying to pry her away, "no, Steph. No... Not now."

"Aw Timmy, feeling sour without your coffee cup?"

He flinched, "shhhh, you're louder than a cranky old grandma... Stop shouting in my ears, it hurts."

Dora had returned from the kitchen so Steph spoke up, still not releasing Tim who was struggling under her hold, "look I made a new friend today who's way nicer than you are even when you've had your full coffee dose."

"I could hardly care less, get off me."

"Oh you would because she owns this coffee shop and you won't be getting any if you ignore her. Say hi to Dora."

Isadora on the other hand was almost laughing at seeing the two of them while Tim honestly looked like he was wishing to die at the moment.

Then without any warning, he shrieked in such a loud voice that everyone paused and turned to look at them, "ALEXAAAANDER!!!"

Steph finally let go of him, laughing hysterically, "you're such a baby, Timmy Turner."

The rest of the people had gone back to what they had been doing before as if it was a very normal occurrence at the coffee shop. 

"And you're such an irritating babysitter, Vicky," he mumbled, head dropping onto the counter as he got to Steph's stool beside Dora first and didn't let her sit on it.

Steph made no attempt to push him off though it seemed as if she was considering the option, "I'm impressed you got the reference considering how awful your withdrawal symptoms have gotten."

He ignored the remark, leaning back a little as he called out to Alex in the kitchen again, "Al, can I have my order please? Your helper's being a bitch today to be honest."

Isadora was simply observing the antics, an amused smile playing upon her lips.

Steph interjected, "Well, I'm not the only helper now so..."

He looked her dead in the eye, "but I was talking about you, you're being a bitch."

"Woah that's rude..."

"Good afternoon, Tim, there you go," Alex emerged from the kitchen at last handing Tim a cup and placed a tray in front of him which had about four more cups.

"God bless you, Alex, you're an angel... Pray release me from the binds of this demonic babysitter, I would be forever grateful," Tim downed the first cup in one gulp despite the fact that it was burning hot. Dora's eyes widened at that but she chose to keep silent.

"Steph, let him be. He's not in the condition to handle this," Alex turned to her and spoke in a slightly firm voice though he too was holding back a smile that was threatening to break out on his features as he retreated to the kitchen again seeing a group enter through the door.

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