[15] The True Meaning Of Family

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Alex quickly served the last orders and then rushed upstairs to get ready for his shift at the Iceberg Lounge. Dora had closed the shop in the meantime and he was lacing up his boots when she entered his room, leaning against the door as she watched him closely.

"Sorry Dora, gotta leave," he mumbled, slipping him arms into the sleeves of his trench coat.

"Alex, it's been the fourth day this week and you're rushing off once again," she spoke up, "have you applied for some other job that I don't yet know about?"

He smiled though he failed in hiding the slight discomfort on his features that showed each time he tried to lie to her, "of course not. I jut have some things to take care of and I will be back as soon as possible."

She nodded though her expression showed that she hadn't believed him, "yeah right, you've been saying that since the past many days but you don't return for the whole night. And at breakfast you keep dozing off."

His eyes flickered towards the clock, "I try to get done with it as soon as possible but sometimes I get quite occupied and..."

"What are you up to, Al?" She didn't let him step out as she was blocking the exit, "tell me truthfully, you have taken up another job, haven't you?"

He sighed knowing that if he refused to tell her, she would refuse to let him go, "Isadora..."

"Stop being a sneaky little raccoon and tell me what's going on. Or else you're not leaving anywhere. I won't let you."

He could see there was no other way out, "look, I have taken up another job but it was very necessary."

Her eyes widened in alarm, "you will work yourself to death! Firstly, there's so much to do at the coffee shop and you handle most of it, then you have night shifts at Chinatown on weekends and now you're compromising the remaining nights as well in another job... When will you sleep?"

A small smile flickered on his face upon taking in the concern in her tone towards him, "my shift ends at four and we have to open the coffee shop at eight. There's plenty of time..."

"Four hours is not even half of an average healthy sleep," she interrupted him again, "Al, you're overworking and there are dark rings round your eyes from fatigue. At this rate, your health will drop."

He shook his head, gently squeezing her hands in a reassuring grip, "I'll be fine."

"Why do you even need to do another job? We are both managing just fine," she spoke up, recounting their finances in her head, "in fact I think with the additional items in the menu, we were going in a little profit. All our expenses can get taken care of without you taking on an additional job."

He took in a deep breath considering whether or not to tell her, "Dora, there's one thing you are forgetting about. Your education. I can not let you compromise your future and I will do my best to ensure that you continue your studies as soon as possible."

She was rendered speechless at the extent he had thought for her and allowed him to resume because she had gotten a little lost at words.

"Look, I know you want to help me in the shop and I am glad to have you around but you must not sacrifice your education for this," he elaborated in a soft gentle tone, "I have opened a bank account which is to be specifically for your educational expenses and my pay from this job will be added to it. Very soon, we will have enough for you to get enrolled in a decent college."

Isadora's eyes welled up and she rushed forward to give him a hug. Alex had not been expecting that but gently wrapped his arms around her. She was still quite new to the concept of anyone caring that much for her and it had overwhelmed her.

"Hey, I did not say that to tear you up," he stroked her head affectionately, "come on, it's no big deal."

"It is a very big deal," she spoke at last as she pulled apart, "Alex, you care so much for me that it seems quite unbelievable."

"Of course I care for you and it is very believable," he shrugged, "you're my baby sister after all. If I won't think about you or look out for you then who else will?"

Isadora was experiencing a mixture of emotions at the moment. In all her life, she had almost forgotten that family members were supposed to care for each other because living with her parents she had always seen the opposite.

And then there was Alex, her brother who cared for her and was so sincere towards her that he could easily sacrifice his scarce rest hours to apply for another job just in order to collect enough money for her education.

Alexander Beaumont had been more of a father to her than their own father could ever be.

"I'm getting late," he spoke, "we'll discuss this tomorrow at breakfast okay? And I promise I won't doze off."

He gently ruffled her head as she stepped aside to let him go, "goodbye Al."

"Bye Dora," he smiled, "take care."


She locked the door after him and came back to her room after checking all the grills and windows were secured. Sitting down on her bed, her mind was still a whirlwind of thoughts. 

She knew that Alex was doing all that for her but still he was neglecting himself entirely and compromising his own health. And while she did want to go to college and continue her education, she could not let her brother carry the weight of it alone upon his already burdened shoulders.

He cared for her sincerely but he too deserved to be taken care of. So as she sat alone, her mind drifted towards finding out various ways in which she could share his burdens.

Alexander was very important to her and she could not see him compromising his health so drastically. She knew she had to find an alternative and persuade him into cutting himself some slack. 

Because if he kept on taking job after job, he would become quite fatigued which would definitely not be good for him. And she did not want her brother to suffer in the least due to her.


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