[29] Another Unexpected Break In

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Jason had just collapsed on the couch after a rather rough patrol night when his phone started ringing. Slightly annoyed, he picked it up but seeing the contact name flashing on the screen, his irritation turned into surprise

"Long time no see, love," he remarked in his smooth drawl right as he answered the call.

"I need your help."

"Wait, don't tell me another of your stupid dates ditched and you need a rebound," he muttered, "I busted a whole gang tonight. I'm tired to say the least."

"Jason, I do not need you for a fucking rebound, you idiot! Get your ass to the Iceberg Lounge right now or I will fucking kill you."

He sat up shocked, "calm down Helena, Oracle will kick you out of the team if you killed me."

"Shut it."

"Alright, alright... So judging by your mood, you probably have to hide a corpse," though he had stood up from the couch and picked his car keys, pushing his feet back into his boots despite the fact that his toes were aching from fatigue.

"It's more like I have to deliver someone who nearly escaped being turned into a corpse," her voice was slightly worried though which was a rather new thing for Jason.

He had known Helena or rather the Huntress since his Outlaw days and the two had even dated for some time before separating ways as they had come to the decision that they were both not the one for each other.

But that had not put a strain on their acquaintanceship as the two often called one another in times of need, much more like a default backup plan when everything else failed.

"Deliver someone?"

"Our new bartender got beaten to a pulp."

Hearing that, all the amusement from Jay's demeanor evaporated, "wait what?"

"Yeah, boy was stupid to listen in on a conversation and if I hadn't been there we would be delivering a corpse at the moment."

"Are you talking about Alexander?"

She was slightly surprised, "you know him?"

"I'm coming straight away. But don't cut the call," he had started the engine and backed his car off from the garage, "tell me would we have to take him to a hospital first?"

"I threatened Oswald into arranging a medic so he'll be fine. But he would need a lot of rest."

"Right, I forgot my helmet in the hurry so you will have to bring him out on your own, I'm not stepping in that hellhole as Jason dead Todd."

"Fine, where are you?"

"Just a couple minutes... There. Bring him out, I'm parked at the back gate."

The call got disconnected and Jason's eyes flickered towards the back door from where Helena was supposed to bring out a rather beat up Alexander. His features were slightly twisted in worry as well because he knew all that had happened was due to the fact that Red Robin had tried to use Alex as an insider informant.

While waiting for the two to come out, he took out his phone and texted Tim: congratulations on nearly getting Alex killed. Just wait till I get my hands on you, you're so in for a beating.


Dora woke up to the sounds of muffled noises and sat up immediately, rubbing her eyes as she looked around. Her room was dark and it was two after midnight so there was no way Alex could have come back by then. Thinking it was probably Red Robin outside or some other intruder, she got alert, coming out of the room cautiously.

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