[22] Project Cupid

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Tim's room was crowded as the whole family minus Bruce and Alfred had decided to gather in there, much to his unease. And despite the fact that his room was messy, they had simply settled down as if it was a very routinely situation for them.

Richard was perched up on his computer desk, assuring him every now and then that he didn't weigh enough to break it. Jason had spread out on the couch after kicking Damian to the floor. Barbara and Steph had claimed the bed while Dami had resorted to taking up the carpet but he hadn't stopped giving multiple threats of burning Jay alive.

That left Tim standing in the middle, his arms crossed and eyes flickering from one face to another as if to guess what was the reason behind the emergency gathering.

"Well... I'm honored to have you in my little nest but may I ask why did you all decide to grace me with your presence?" He asked at last when none of them spoke first to clarify the situation.

"We're here for some family talk," Barbara replied, her features set into an encouraging smile, "just catching up with you and the others, right?"

"Hundred percent," Dick backed her up immediately, "we want to spend some time with our lovely little brother."

Damian raided an eyebrow skeptically, "that's not what Todd told me. I am not here for any catching up nor those stupid family bonding activities and if that's the case then I'm leaving."

Tim smiled sarcastically pointing at the door, "please do."

"Now now boys, settle down," Barbara spoke up sensing that a fight could break out if the two weren't interrupted, "and yes, Damian, it's more than just catching up but you have to be patient. We're all family, we stick together for one another. So you are definitely not stepping a foot out of this room."

She had given him the characteristic BatMom look which meant that he would be in trouble if he did not oblige with her so he gave up and sat back down. Though he did grumble something inaudible which apparently only Jay had heard as he burst out laughing but didn't tell on him when Dick asked about it. 

"Alright so what's this catching up scenario then?" Tim asked as he sat down cross legged on the floor, making sure to stay away from the carpet because he was well aware that Damian would go into gremlin mode any minute.

"In simple words, our lovely Spoiler spoiled your secret," Jay remarked, eyes twinkling in mischief, "fair warning, get ready to be bulldozed by this emergency Project Cupid."

"Hey, Project Cupid actually is a very nice title for this," Richard spoke up with a smile playing upon his lips.

Tim's eyes widened and his features had contracted in alarm as he realized exactly why the emergency gathering had been called. Steph had let the cat out of the bag and now the whole family wanted to join in on the opportunity of flustering him. 

Or in other words, they had gathered to give him some unwanted dating advice.

He glared at Steph, "so that's why you've been so quiet this whole time...?"

Steph looked up and shook her head in denial, "wait no Tim, that's not..."

He cut her short, "you told them?  How could you? I trusted you and you crumpled it up in a paper ball and threw it in the garbage... Stephanie, I have never felt so betrayed my whole life!"

Jay sneakily took out his phone and pressed the Record button as he leaned back to get a clearer view. But that earned him a cushion thrown by Barbara right on his chest such that his phone tumbled out of his hands and fell in the middle of the couch seat, keeping him occupied for a few minutes as he searched for it.

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