[21] Out Of Reach

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Alex had been thinking about the situation Red Robin had dumped him in and by then he came to the conclusion that it was indeed a difficult task. Everywhere in the club some sort of suspicious activity was going on and since he was supposed to be at the bar at all times, he could not exactly gather a lot of info.

He had made up his mind to tell Red Robin the next time he saw him that he could not help him out with his case. Because no one could possibly keep track of all the illegal stuff that went in the Iceberg Lounge and he had learnt that well even in the first week of his job there.

It had been almost a month of him working as the bartender in there but he was always very cautious and reserved, knowing that even a slight mistake could easily land him in a mess.

Usually the club members didn't bother him much either, going about their own business and only coming up at the bar for drinks. But there was one exception who apparently loved to keep him company.

Helena Bartinelli, or rather the Huntress.

At first, he had always been quite flustered around her. She had a very intimidating persona, a habit of teasing him to the point that his face would be permanently tinted crimson and a sharp laughter that pierced the calm akin to the sound of glass breaking upon a metal surface.

But as time had passed, he had gotten accustomed to her presence and even began to appreciate her company. She had told him herself not to trust her even so he never mentioned anything about himself but offered a listening ear as she recounted her nightly thrilling sprees and the dangerous adventures she undertook.

Helena was very different from other women he had known and held a certain aura that magnetized him towards her despite the fact that he tried his best not to form any sort of emotional attachment towards anyone in that place.

He was shaken out of his thoughts by the much familiar sound of fingernails tapping on the wooden counter and looked up from the glasses he was polishing. 

Flecked grey irises glanced straight in his as Helena placed down her crossbow beside her, "guess who got their butt kicked today?" 

"Some poor dude who didn't see it coming," he replied and it made her features break into a smile.

"Our little squirrel is catching up fairly well by now. However, I assure you that poor dude totally deserved what he got." There was a short pause in which her eyes didn't waiver from him as she asked, "by the way Alexander, you seem a little too thoughtful today. Is something the matter?"

"No," he placed the glasses back, "would you like to have something?"

"Very much so," her eyes twinkled, "but what I would like to have is a little out of my reach at the moment."

He shrugged, "what could possibly be out of reach from the Huntress?"

Her laugh resonated in the atmosphere as she shook her head, "you give me too much credit."

"I don't, I think you're the sort of person who takes what you want and doesn't bother about the consequences."

She leaned forward, her chin resting on her interlocked hands and her eyes still dancing in amusement, "ah and now it seems like you have enrolled for some part time psychology classes as well."

"Not really. It was just an assumption."

"A near correct one," she nodded appreciatively, "but there are very rare situations when even the Huntress has to think of the consequences. The chase is always fun but what if I am not interested in the pursuit alone? What if I want to keep the prey forever, like a prize won at the end of the game?"

As usual he had no idea how to respond to her, "and that's where you know for sure that I haven't been taking any psychological classes, because none of that made sense to me."

By her laughter that pierced the silence once more it was quite apparent that his reply had been rather hilarious to her. He didn't know why that would be so but at least she wasn't offended and that worked well for him.

Out of all the people he had seen in the club, there were a few he did not want to offend because it would put him in a very critical situation. And one of those people was Helena herself because not long ago he had himself seen her singlehandedly tackle down a man twice her height and weight to the ground. And it was then his first impression regarding her was strengthened even more that Helena Bartinelli was not someone to be messed with.

"A bourbon would do for now," she remarked and he nodded, going under the counter to take out a bottle since the one on top had just finished. But as he straightened, she took it from him, "don't bother with the glass. I'll pay for the whole."

His eyes widened a little but he said not a word as he busied himself in tending to the other visitors. His gaze would flicker towards her time and again but it seemed as if she was rather accustomed to heavy drinking as she simply rose an eyebrow skeptically in his direction each time she caught him looking at her.

Not long after the bottle was empty and she paid for it just like she had said earlier. She had stood up to leave, her crossbow dangling on a leather strap from her shoulder. 

Her eyes connected with his and a slow but equally entrancing smile spread on her features, "Alexander, if I took what I wanted without thinking of the consequences this time... It would be unfair. And even though I am not new to foul play, I don't want to mess up this once and would rather go down the fair route."

"I still have no idea what you're saying."

She shook her head, almost as if she would laugh any moment but her hand closed on to his shirt as she leaned forward almost catching him off guard. "My lovely little squirrel, this is only a fraction of what I want," her voice was reduced to a whisper though it sent a shiver down his spine, face turning scarlet again at the proximity.

He had not yet recovered from the shock when his senses froze once again as she kissed him on the cheek lightly. She let go of the white fabric, grey piercing into his honey colored eyes as she mumbled, "I probably won't remember this in the morning so don't expect me to justify anything tomorrow."

He realized it was probably due to the whole bottle she had downed and though apparently she was quite good at holding her liquor, he did not want anything to escalate further. 

"You should go home, take a rest," he replied, voice still unsteady due to the sudden shock and right cheek tingling even then, "you've probably had too much to drink."

"I've drunk more than this."

"Helena, people are watching," his eyes were darting around the club knowing full well that they were mere seconds away from being the center of attention. Some people were giving them rather inquisitive stares and being the shy reserved person that he was, Alex felt uncomfortable under the scrutinizing glances.

"See, consequences..." She mumbled pulling apart at last and soon as she turned around the rest of the people stopped glancing in their direction as well.

Though a bell had gone off in his mind as he reflected upon her words. He was not that dumb to overlook all the hints she had thrown his way and the more he thought about it, the closer he came to the conclusion that what Helena was referring to as out of reach for her was none other than himself.

And he had no idea whether that revelation had solved the matter for him or made it even more complicated.


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