[13] The Villain's Pub

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Alex was walking through the puddled streets Gotham, his hands buried deep into the pockets of his trench coat and his bespectacled eyes cautiously looking down at the path in order to avoid bumping into people or splashing into puddles. 

The rainy season had started and Gotham had its worst weather whenever it rained, furthermore the condition of the streets grew even messier due to the puddles.

Physically he was walking through the city but mentally he was miles away, lost deep in thought. He was thinking about his sister and even though Dora had been quite happy staying with him, he felt as if her education was being compromised due to that.

She had finished high school but instead of applying for college she had started to help him with the coffee shop. But he did not want her to sacrifice her future because of that. True, they did not have enough at the moment to afford college fee but Alex had been thinking about it for quite a while.

Hence he had been searching for another part time job, any job that would come with a steady pay so that they could save enough for her to start going to college. The Chinatown food street operated only on weekends so he had the rest of the working nights free that he could utilize in another job.

Now that Dora had come to stay with him, he felt every bit responsible for her and knew that he had to be there for her at all costs. Because their parents had not been there for Isadora and he did not want to abandon her as well.

The dusky sky was darkening, predicting that there might be another spell of rain but he continued on his path, stopping when he reached the Iceberg Lounge.

The Iceberg Lounge was a club owned by Oswald Cobblepot and though it was not a very reputable place, but a friend of his had told him that there had been a vacancy for a bartender in there and the salary was more than Al had expected so he had taken up the job.

He knew the first few days would be terrible because he was not accustomed to the atmosphere as well as the gentry of the place but the thought of saving enough for Dora's college fee kept him going.

He showed his ID to the guard at the gate as well as the contract he had signed before taking the job upon which he was led in and showed to the bar. 

The whole place was in screaming color due to the bright lights and disco bulbs such that Alex had to shield his eyes from the intensity at first. But gradually his vision adjusted and he looked around. Many faces from the Gotham underworld were there and that was when he realized why the Iceberg Lounge was so disrepute.

It was more like a Villain's pub than a regular public club.

However, Alex could not possibly back off so he took his place behind the counter checking all the bottles and glasses so that he would have any problem in catering to the people present there. 

The night was in full swing and he was kept rather busy due to the influx of people demanding drinks. So far he had been doing well, managing to get the ratios of the drinks right but he knew it would take some time for him to adjust.

However, the public there wasn't at all disapproving of the fact that he was new and had little knowledge of drink mixing. Instead one tall mysterious man who he had never seen before out in the city offered to help him with the mixing, taking a seat by the counter and observing as he prepared the cocktails.

It was a villain's pub no doubt but had its fair share of friendly people.

He was supposed to close the bar before dawn and then he would be free to go back to his place. So his eyes kept clear track of time knowing that it won't be long before the clock would finally strike the closing hour and he would leave.

And as that time neared, the crowd from the club had started to disperse as well with most of the people returning to their abodes.

He was placing the glasses back when he heard a slight tumble and turned to see a woman had knocked over a glass while taking her seat at the stool placed on the other side of the counter. She was wearing a mask to cover her eyes and a crossbow hung from her shoulder. As the lights flashed, he recognized the costume very well; she was the Huntress.

But she hadn't let the glass fall as she had caught it before it tumbled off the counter and handed it to him. Despite the mask, he could feel her gaze piercing through him. "So you're the new bartender," she remarked, her tone was casual and slightly slurred.

"Yes Ma'am, would you like to have something?"

"Very much," she smiled, "but I can't seem to decide what drink I am craving right now."


Her fingers tapped on the counter and he noticed the pointy red polished nails striking sharply against the wood in rhythm, "how about you treat me to a drink of your choice? Let's see what you've got. And don't bother about it being too strong, I can handle it."

He nodded though the first time that night he had actually started to get nervous. Her observing gaze was not leaving him as he took out a few drinks, his mind blanking out as he thought of what drinks to mix for her.

She seemed to be a tricky customer and extremely observant for her sharp eyes were taking in each subtle movement as he poured down the drinks and added a splice of lime to the glass.

"Thank you," she accepted the glass and tentatively took a sip. The liquid burned down her throat and Alex had retreated because he wasn't sure whether he wanted to hear what she thought about it. Deep down he knew he had screwed up.

But a light laugh escaped her as she spoke, "interesting... A cocktail that tastes both strong like vodka and fruity like punch."

He resumed polishing the glasses though he was slightly relieved to know that she hadn't found the drink bad.

Her voice drifted towards him again, "what's it named?" 

"Excuse me?"

"The drink must have a name," she leaned closer, her smile widening, "and so would you."

He retreated, "I don't know, I just mixed whatever I found."

"And your name?"

"Alexander," he replied.

Her eyes locked with his and she nodded, "let's name this First Night then. Unpredictable but fresh. Just like you."

"I have to close the bar, Ma'am," he mumbled noticing the time.

She got off the stool but extended her hand towards him, "Helena."

"Pleasure," he nodded gently shaking the offered hand.

"Oh and Alexander, I will be very much looking forward to Second Night. Let's see if you can surprise me," she flashed him a bright smile before walking away, her heels clicking sharply even though the noise was enough to drown the sounds in.

Everything about her was sharp like a shard of glass; her clear remarks, her crisp voice and even though the mask disguised her features he had a guess that her eyes would be just as fierce for he could still feel the focused gaze upon him though she had left.

But he tore his eyes away from her retreating figure, locking the cupboard as he wiped off the counter for the last time. The clock had struck four and his duty was over. Making sure that there was nothing else for him to do, he quietly crept out of the Iceberg Lounge and left for home.


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