[33] Teasing Attempt Backfired

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Isadora had not been in favor of Alex resuming his duties so early since he had just recovered but he had refused saying that he had rested enough and if they kept him from work for any longer, he would go insane.

Alex had always been very work oriented and he could not go for even an hour without having something productive to do. He could not remain in bed for long so he had willed himself to recover as quickly as possible so that he could go by his usual busy routine.

In the two days that he had been forced to rest, Tim and Stephanie had helped Dora out with the shop work but as soon as he was back in the kitchen, he had politely kicked the two out after thanking them for their help. 

As usual, Alex had taken hold of the kitchen and Dora was taking orders at the counter and also checking up on her brother frequently. Despite Al's refusals, Stephanie had taken over the counter temporarily while Dora helped him out in the kitchen because he was still not up to his usual performance level. There was still a slight limp in his left leg which had slowed him down a little.

"Sit down," it was probably the fifth time for her to rebuke him into taking a seat, "you don't have to keep standing the entire time."

"But I am used to it," he replied, "I can't take a lot of short pauses."

"But I am not leaving you any other choice."

"Go back to the counter then," he remarked though a small smile was playing upon his lips, "and send Steph in."

"Not at all, the second I'll go back you will start overexerting yourself."

She had taken out the second cookie tray from the oven and was setting the cookies in the display tray that had to be taken outside. Alex had finally taken a seat and was doing latte art on the cups of coffee she had placed in front of him.

"Dora, can I ask you a question?"

She looked up slightly surprised, brown eyes meeting with his honey shaded irises, "of course, go ahead."

"Is there something going on between you and Tim?"

His smile widened noticing her slightly reddening face. "I have to go put these out," she stated instead of answering the question.

"You will also come back to the kitchen right? Or are you considering to swap places with Steph at last?"

"Alex, you are not allowed to tease me, you suck at it."

He shook his head, chuckling a little, "do I? Because from your reaction, it hints otherwise."

Dora took the tray out but knew she would eventually have to answer his question sooner or later. When she entered the kitchen, Alex's eyes were still focused on her expectantly as if awaiting her reply.

"There's nothing going on," she mumbled though the shade on her face had darkened, evidently contradicting her words.

"I had been injured in the past two days, not blinded," he remarked.


"What? It's just a simple question, Dora, you don't have to lie to me." 

She sighed, contemplating her words, "and what would you say if I told you yes, there is something going on?"

"I won't say anything to you but I might have a little chat with Tim."

Finally a smile broke out on her face out of relief, "oh... For a second, you had scared me."

"Hadn't known you would get scared by just a question."

However, Dora's brown eyes sparked in amusement as she nodded, "right... I have one for you as well then."

"Really?" He had looked up briefly because he was not expecting that and his brow furrowed a little seeing the playful smile on her face.

"Yup. Who's Helena?"

As she had expected, Al's features were no different from her own just a few minutes earlier. 

"See, that's how even you can get scared by a question," she added, "but seriously though, Jason thinks she's your future girlfriend and I think you should have told me about her."

Alex realized that Dora had cleverly turned the tables at him and his teasing attempt had backfired. One of the key traits of his little sister was being extremely observant and keeping a clear head so it was no surprise for her to change the situation entirely.

"She is a friend but... A very good friend since she was the first person to help me adjust in the Iceberg Lounge," he replied cautiously, "but that's it."

"Be honest," she remarked.

"Let me take the orders out," he tried to stand up but she refused.

"Nice try Al but it's not going to work. Keep seated."

She did not probe further but Alex was feeling slightly guilty at the fact that she had truthfully admitted to him but he had not done so. After a short pause of contemplation, he spoke up, "we are in a kind of a complicated situation right now. She's the Huntress, a very feared name in Gotham and I'm sure Tim would tell you more about that. At first I thought she just liked to tease me around, y'know... Uh... But then things started to change a little. And I think I blurted out something I would normally not say to her but... Basically... God, you're right, some questions are scary."

She was quite amused seeing the play of different emotions on his face. "Okay...?"

"Have you met her?"

"Briefly, when she came to drop you off."

He asked, "so what do you think of her?"

"I can't say for certain because I was too occupied by worrying over you to actually pay attention to anything else. But if you like her and think you'll be happy with her then I'm okay with the whole prospect as well."

"Right," he nodded, "thanks."

"Hey that's what family is for, we stick together no matter what happens," she smiled genuinely as she took the tray of orders from him, "no matter if you like a vigilante or the Huntress or..."

The words struck a bell in his head, "wait a second, are you simply referring to me or is there someone else involved here too?"

"Of course not, just referring to you."

He raised an eyebrow skeptically but averted his gaze when she didn't elaborate further. "And that reminds me, it's been a long time since I met Red Robin."

"Yeah because I threatened him to stay away from you," she remarked smoothly steering the conversation away, "last time you guys met, you got injured in trying to help him out."

"And you threatened him, a Bat vigilante, into staying away from me? That's amusing."

A smile crept over her features, "don't underestimate my floor mop."

Alex laughed, "oh."

"I was right in saying none of us would forget that night. And I have told him not to make any dangerous proposals to you ever again," she resumed, "you have already put yourself in such a risky place by working in that place and in no way do I want you to get threatened even more."


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