[04] Desperate Measures

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She saw him sitting at his table with a frown evident on his face though it seemed as if he was deep in thought. His eyes were the most expressive part of his face as the irises widened and narrowed every now and then, his teeth biting his lower lip a little as if to maintain concentration.

She averted her gaze so that he wouldn't catch her staring for too long but shortly afterwards, he was right in front of her, his arms crossed at the counter as he leaned forward casually, a smile playing upon his lips, "Dora..."

"What do you want?" She asked keeping her eyes down on the notepad on which she was scribbling a flower pattern at the corner, "no coffee until eight, remember?"

"Yup unfortunately I remember very well. It was just that I was getting very very bored."


"So I thought I may as well talk to you. Steph too has gone to pester your brother in the kitchen and there's nothing else I have to do at the moment."

"I can call Steph back if you want," she was about to get off her stool but he shook his head.

"Oh no no no, let her be. I don't want to get pestered anymore than I do on a daily basis. Besides a little change of company is good, don't you think?"

"I'm busy," she looked up briefly.

His eyes widened a little but the smile from his face didn't falter, "but there are no customers. You're purposefully ignoring me."

"No I'm not," she finally put down the notepad and noticed that he had leaned in a little, eyes focused on her, "but I really don't see how I can help you right now."

"Isadora... Please...?"

She shook her head, a small smile threatening to break out on her face as well upon seeing the adorable look he had on his face. She couldn't deny though that Tim Drake could manage to look irresistibly cute when he wanted to.

And knowing that fact was exactly what kept her from succumbing to his charming cuteness at that moment. She knew he was trying to get in her good books so that she would end up pitying him and revoke the challenge.

"Fine, what do you want to talk about?"

"You're new here and it's the first time we met. How about a little introductory conversation?"

"So like twenty questions?"

"Sort of," he nodded slightly pleased at the development, "ten from each side."

Their game of twenty questions exceeded to a double and she didn't notice because Tim had the most remarkable of replies up his sleeve, making her laugh and smile at almost every answer.

"Favorite hobby? Other than consuming coffee of course because I think that is a necessity for you now."

"Yup a necessity indeed which you're purposefully depriving me of and let me remind you that it is downright brutal."

She rolled her eyes, "answer the question, Drake. No other statements or accusations."

"Okay but please no surnames. I thought we were on first name basis. Or rather short name basis. My first name is Timothy but my friends and family call me Tim, including you."

She looked at him pointedly, raising an eyebrow as she reminded him that he was straying off the topic.

"Favorite hobby... Ah yes," a mischievous gleam sparked in Tim's blue eyes, "pissing the hell out of Damian."

"And who's Damian?"

"A gremlin who likes to bite everyone's toes off. In other words my younger brother. But now you've asked two questions in a row so I'll do the same."

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