[07] Cookies For Compensation

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A week had passed since Isadora came to Gotham and by then she had settled into her routine very well. She and Alex worked at the coffee shop together, Alex also worked night shifts on weekends at the Chinatown food street and even though both of them had a tough budget, still she was happy with her life.

Alex had started to teach her the kitchen work for the cafe as well such as brewing coffee, familiarizing her with the different flavors and the basics of latte art. But mostly he took care of the kitchen himself while Dora took orders and served the customers.

They had a sort of happy hour at six in the evening which was right after office timings ended in Gotham so most people came to the cafe for a cup before heading home. Isadora had suggested to include some snacks as well in the menu such as cookies or small cakes and pastries, an idea that Steph had supported highly but Alex had asked for some time to assess all the cost and demand variables.

She was at the counter as usual and since it was happy hour the shop was brimming with people. Laughter and delightful chatter bustled through the small but cozy interior of the cafe.

The bell at the door chimed again announcing the arrival of another customer so she quickly turned her attention up front, handing the order to the couple she had been dealing with earlier.

However, the notepad was taken from her hands and her eyes landed on Tim Drake who was scribbling his coffee flavor at the page just like he had done the first time she had seen him at the shop.

"Long time no see," she greeted as he handed back the notepad.

His blue eyes flickered towards her briefly but the smile from his face was missing, "hi Dora."

"Where have you been? Steph said you used to visit everyday but I've hardly seen you around."

"I was trying out something new as normal people would like to put it, breaking my habitual patterns a bit," his phone rang but he ignored it, "but it didn't work in my favor."

She raised an eyebrow skeptically, "I thought you had gotten annoyed after the challenge that day and were intentionally avoiding to come here."

He shook his head, a smile breaking out on his face at last, "oh no no. That's not the case. Or perhaps... I was checking out some backup options to go to if you and Steph kick me out again."

"We hadn't kicked you out..."

"Not giving me coffee is almost equivalent to kicking me out. What other reason there is to stay here then? But sadly no other place in Gotham has the coffee Alex brews so I had to return."

His phone rang again and his tired eyes flickered in annoyance. She smiled slightly, gesturing him to receive the call while she went to the kitchens to hand over the order to Alex. 

But when she returned Tim had taken a seat at the corner instead of the empty stool at the counter. He was focused on his phone and a small frown creased his features.

Though when his order arrived, he came to pick it up from the counter.

"Here," she placed a small package in the tray at which he looked up at her in surprise, "consider this a compensation for all the trouble me and Steph caused you earlier."

Surprised, he tore off the packing and found two chocolate chip cookies inside.

"Me and Alex are considering on expanding the items here," she elaborated, "I had baked these as a sample, only two are left now. But if everything works out well and we add complimentary items then there will be reason for you to stay other than just coffee."

He tentatively took a bite but then deciding that he liked the taste, he finished the whole cookie right there, "I'll look forward to it. Tastes delicious, pray I don't get addicted to these because then I'll become a headache for you."

Taking the tray, he retreated to his seat and Isadora went back to handling the rest of the orders.

By the end of the happy hour, most of the people had gone from the shop leaving only a couple who had come there on a date and Tim who was nearly dozing off. It seemed as if he was badly sleep deprived for his eyes seemed tired with dark rings around contrasting against his otherwise pale skin. 

But her train of thoughts was broken when Alex came out of the kitchen, "everything good, Dora?"

"Great," she smiled reassuringly, "how about you?"

"The usual," his gaze landed on Tim and a small smile flickered on his face, "so he went to sleep again?"

"He has been dozing off for a while now. Seems like he didn't sleep the whole night."

"Not a new thing for him I'm certain," Alex vanished into the kitchen again returning with a cup of strong black coffee, "I'll be back in a moment."

She watched as he walked over to Tim's table and gently shook him. The boy sat up alarmed, his eyes wide and strikingly blue but before he could shift into his panic mode which happened each time he was woken up unexpectedly, Alex placed the cup in front of him, the strong scent working immediately to soothe his frayed nerves.

"Alex... Thank you," he took the cup giving him a grateful smile. 

"Don't stay up too late at night," Alex spoke, gently ruffling his head as he took a sip from the cup, "or else your health will deteriorate."

"I know," he sighed, "but I had work to do."

"Still, you must take some time out for yourself and relax. Overworking is only going to make things worse for you."

"As long as I have coffee in my system, I am able to function just fine," he mumbled, taking another sip from the strong hot liquid, "by the way, you're a blessing to Gotham, you know that right?"

"Stop, your flattery is not going to get you another cup."

"That's exactly what your sister says," his eyes flickered towards Dora briefly, "but I hardly ever flatter, it's the plain truth that you're too good for Gotham. Oh and Alex, if you ever add the complimentary items to the menu, keep in mind that I will once again be the main consumer so don't worry about the cost."

A small smile threatened to break on his features, "so Dora gave you a sample cookie, I assume."

"Two of them. Very delicious and tasted even better when dipped into coffee."

"I'm glad you liked it," he nodded backing off for he had to return to the kitchen as the bell chimed again indicating that he would have to look after another set of orders, "and if we do decide to include complimentary items, you will be the first to know."

He chuckled, "exactly because Steph will be the first to let the cat out of the bag. She updates me on everything you guys are up to on a daily basis."

"Now that is kinda alarming, I might have to talk to her about being confidential," Alex replied though his eyes were dancing in an amused expression.

"That you should do, will save you any future inconveniences. Not that I will necessarily be behind it, just saying."

"Point taken."


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