[23] The Snitch

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Jason stepped through the door at Dora's Coffee Haunt and the bell chimed upon it announcing his arrival. Not many people were sitting inside since it was almost closing time as he made his way to the counter where Dora was perched up on her stool as usual.

"A Frappucino please, if you're still taking orders," he spoke up.

She nodded jotting it down in her notepad, "of course, coming right up."


She had gone to the kitchen to give the order to Alex but when she returned she was surprised to see him still standing by the counter. "It will take a few minutes, so you can take a seat."

He shook his head, "it's fine, really. You must be Dora, right?"

"Isadora," she corrected him, "and you are?"

"Jason Todd."

She seemed to recognize his name as a small smile flickered on her face, "oh... Tim's brother, I'm guessing?"

"Yes, unfortunately." He didn't let the conversation drop there as he resumed, "Tim has mentioned you a lot and since Dick and Steph were also absolutely smitten by you, I wanted to see who's the competition I've got now."

She laughed, "it's not like that, there's no competition."

"So you're not going to steal my siblings away?"

"Of course not," she shook her head smiling, "who gave you such a ridiculous notion?"

"No one in particular. I can call you Dora though, right? Because to me, Isadora sounds a handful."


The Frappucino arrived but Jason was still standing by the counter though he had taken his cup.

"No I don't want to take a seat," he mentioned himself noticing her expression, "I came here for a reason. I actually have to ask you a very important question."

She was a bit surprised at that, "what question?"

Jason leaned forward, dropping his voice so that he would not be over heard by anyone else, "do you like Tim?"

A mixture of shock and surprise tainted her features, "excuse me?"

"I didn't ask you to give me a mathematical solution Dora, you can simply answer in a yes or a no; do you like Tim or not?"

The last of the customers had left as well and it was time to close the shop, "Jason, I've got to close the shop."

"Not leaving until I get the answer."

"This is the first time we've met and you're asking personal stuff already. Officer Grayson isn't like that and even Steph is not that intrusive."

Jay rolled his eyes, "sorry to break it on you but that's who I am. Coarse and impolite. Just answer the question and I promise I will leave."

She sighed, "well... Tim's a very good friend and of course he's very likeable. Anything else you'd like to know?"

But she realized that she shouldn't have said that as he leaned forward again, "likeable as just friends or...?"

He had left the sentence deliberately incomplete noticing the faint blush creeping up to her face.

"I think I can count that as a likeable as more than just friends," he remarked playfully and the blush deepened on her face.

"Kindly step out, Mister Todd, or else I will call Alexander."

"Ooooh fun times... Let me call him instead," his eyes sparked in mischief and then he raised his voice so that all could hear in the kitchen as well, "hey Alexander, there's a surprise waiting for you outside!"

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