I want to start a new story. Haha can't even finish one so start three more thst you'll never finish....
I mean, that's just what I do. I start something and I love it and think that this could be it. This could be the thing in movies that enlightens the protagonist and gives them a new perspective that saves the day and makes everyone happy.
And then i start to hate it so I just. Move on.
I'm not sure why I do this. Instead of going into detail about whether or not I do it for attention, I'm going to tell you about my story.
I have come up with many over the years. All of which would fill about a page and then be forgotten all together. Maybe that's how I'll do it. How I'll get rid of these. I'll write them down. No one can judge me. Or at least ruin me by judging me. Not personally anyway. I'm anonymous. No one knows who this is. No one ever will. That's the beauty of choosing usernames so personal and irrelevant to the public that not even your closest friends have a single idea who this is or that they know this person in real life. As if they'd find it in the first place.
So back to my new story.
This girl. She has a heart. Just like the rest of us. She gets things wrong. Like the rest of us. She's not special in any way shape or form. She just. Is. And this terrifies her. She'll never be anything more than a brown speck on a black sheet of cloth. She knows this too. She's got it ingrained in her head that she needs to a prodigy of sorts to be important. And she's not. She never will be. So she no longer sees any point in trying. This story is about a girl with prejudices and flaws. A girl that goes through stupid anc regrettable phases. Who says stupid stuff and makes stupid decisions and is more awkward than an obese three legged dog. Sad thought. But you get the point I think.
With each phase and stupid decision, she grows. She looks back on these things and cringes. And that shows how much she's grown. How much she's learned. She isn't perfect. She isn't going to be important unless she works to make herself important. And maybe someday.
She'll accept that.
stupid shit you don't want to read
HorrorA collection of blegh that is either depressing or uninteresting.