1 (rewritten)

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Jungkook curled up in a corner of the room, clutching his stomach while hoping the pain would subside soon. The bruises from earlier in the evening were starting to form and they were probably from one of the worst beatings he had ever gotten. Usually, he just stays silent while the others abused him. He had no other option but to stay silent. For Omegas who were younger than 18 and lived on the streets without any family, their lives were worse than anyone else's. Child trafficking and subjugating minors to sexual and physical abuse were extremely common and often went by unchecked. As it is, Jungkook was undergoing severe physical abuse on a daily basis, undergoing the other stuff would just turn his sucky life to an even suckier life. But tomorrow, everything would change. He would be 18 and would have a mate. With God's grace, she would be rich, nice- he was basically going for a "sugar mommy" vibe even though it slightly hurt his ego. But at this point, he was desperate and didn't even care if it was a guy. And under this false dream and hope of having a rich partner, he had gotten a confidence boost and punched Jimin on the face when the man tried to mess with him. It went southwards as predicted when everyone else except Taehyung and Jin ganged up on him and nearly killed him. 

The dynamics between Jungkook and the other men have been pretty consistent since when he first moved into the house. At first, it was harmless pranks to chase Jungkook away from the house because they hated sharing their house with a stranger who was an Omega. It only became more harmful and when the parents left the house, the violence had started. Jungkook was treated like an unwanted dog who was starved and beaten on the regular basis. No one ever knew of this because they had threatened to throw Jungkook out of the house if he uttered a word. At this point, they didn't even bother to chase Jungkook out of the house because they had started to enjoy the violence. It made them feel powerful and it was the perfect way to release their anger after a long and stressful day where other people had annoyed them. The only two people who didn't do anything were Taehyung and Jin. Taehyung often just watched or busied himself with something else while Jin would always be missing from the scene. 

A loud chime shook him out of his reverie. It was midnight. Jungkook held his breath, waiting for something to happen. When Taehyung and Jimin turned 18 and were declared as mates, the entire room emitted a soft glow as a red line of light sprouted from where their hearts were supposed to be and intertwined. The same thing happened with Jin and Namjoon, Yoongi and Hoseok. It was odd that the people in this house were to be fated with one another. Jungkook always had believed that being mates didn't necessarily mean romantic love- what kind of cruel being would force people to love someone who they didn't. For him, it meant being bound to a person who made you stronger and to lose them was to lose a part of their soul. And whether it would be platonic or romantic would be upto the persons even though more than often it ended up being romantic. 

Going back to reality, nothing had happened. The seconds slowly passed by, and the room was as dull as ever. His clothes on the floor and the small box containing all his valuables remained exactly where it. 

 It was 12:01 and panic slowly enveloped Jungkook. He can't and won't be stuck in this hell hole- whether he had a mate or not. With the remaining of his strength, he staggered towards the small window and opened. He sighed in relief as the cool breeze hit his face. If he left now, by the morning when everyone wakes, he would've been long gone, and no one would ever find him again. But before he could jump out, from the corner of his eyes he saw his clothes slightly levitate from the ground. Jungkook's eyes opened wide in curiosity, his hands unconsciously left the window, and it slammed shut on his leg that was dangling out. 

"Motherfucker," Jungkook screamed in pain as he reopened the window and brought in his hurt leg. There was a deep cut oozing blood onto the carpet but he didn't have time to think about that as another pain made its way down his arm. He didn't care about waking up the other people in this house or the punishment that would come after, his body was fill of pain. The silent night echoed his screams as the room burst into white light, blinding him of what was to come. Jungkook could feel everything around him shake as if an earthquake were to take place. He tried to crawl somewhere safe but the light and pain had left him dazed, and with a faulty leg, there was nowhere to go. He laid flat on the ground, hoping that everything would just stop but it only got worse. 

His hand and back burst into flame, and Jungkook screamed again. If screaming was a professional job, he would've been a damn millionaire with the amount of yelling he had been doing right now. It burned away his raggedy shirt and the ashes dropped to floor as delicate as a feather. His other clothes laid scattered across the floor and his little box of valuable lay open. The only pictures of his parents fluttered away and close to the flames, catching fire and singeing its border. The only other thing left in the box was his mother's marriage ring that rolled next to him. With a shaky hand, he clutched it in his hand, praying to God not to lose this to. The flames were slowly starting to vanish, and in their absence, there were complicated swirls of old language long forgotten tattooed on his back and arm in black and gold. The chaos around him had also died with the flames. 

"Nothing makes sense," Jungkook spoke to himself. His mind was swirling and he was properly overwhelmed. He got up with his one good leg but before he could take a step, Jungkook fell flat on his face and unconscious. 

Bloodline (btsxjjk) (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now