Chapter 1 ~ Flowers meet Smoke

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"Goodmorning world!" I say to myself and giggle. Man I'm funny. I jump out of bed and grab my crown with purple tulips, I fix it so my curls don't cover it and smile into my mirror. I make a funny faces at myself and laugh. 

"Niall is calling! BOOOOP BEEEEP NIALL IS CALLING! Harry your besty is calling ya!" Niall's ringtone goes off. I quickly answer it and what for Niall to start talking in his Irish accent!

"Hey, Harry!"

"Hey, Ni!"

"I'm coming over ta pick ya up. Is that ok?"

"Of course! You can be a gentleman and walk me to school."


Niall ends the call before I can answer him. 

Niall is my bestfriend, we have known eachother for 15 years! I'm only 16! Do the math.....

I look at myself in the mirror for a few more minutes untill I remember that I don't have anything on besides my crown......

10 minutes later, Niall has picked me up from my home and we are walking to school. 

I look around and smile, seeing green trees and blue birds singing. Blue and Green is a good match. 

"Nick told me that he wants you to be at his house today," Niall says. What? "Nick Grimshaw?" I ask. 

Niall nods," He says him and his friends want to talk to you." "But Nick deals drgs and cusses!" I say a bit loudly. "He seemed serious," Niall adds. 

I think about it for a few moments, if something bad does happen i could call Niall and he'd save me.....

"I'll go."

At School

"Did blondy tell you about-" Nick begins but starts choking a bit. Maybe the drugs are starting to affect him.....

"Yes, he did. I'm coming. I don't know where you live though," I tell Nick softly. Nick roughly grabs my hand and takes out a marker from his pocket and writes it down. When he puts the black marker away and frees my hand he looks at my crown," Wear your crown too." I nod and smile. This is going to be just fine.

At Nick's House

I walk knock on Nick's flats door. I can smell something strong from out here. Maybe its weed....

Nick opens the door with a smile on his face," Welcome, to my flat!" He seems a little off. He also smells....

"Just sit wherever!" Nick slurs cheerfully. 

I look around the small flat and see 4 other guys all have tatooes and some even have peircings! 

I take a sit down on the only couch in the living room which has two other guys sitting there as well. 

One is tan, quiffed, and has dark brown eyes. He is VERY good looking but nothing compared to the smaller boy sitting beside him. He has died red hair, tatooes up and down his arms, and amazing deep ocean blue eyes. 

Yes, I am gay. And am very much attracted to blue eyes......especially ones on faces like his.......

"Yo, flowers! Ya done daydreaming!" this voice comes from a tall blond boy. I'm pretty sure his name is Luke. There is a colored haired boy behind him who looks unstable.....

Nick plops down next to me with a blunt in his mouth," Amigos this is Harry!"

The colored haired boy waves,"MICAHEL RED DOG CLIFFORD!" he shouts loudly like I'm deaf, "I'm a drop-out, nice to meet you!" 

I nod and smile even though I think this guy is crazy. 

"You already probably heard of Luke. The guys to cool to introduce themselves are Louis and Zayn. Louis has an s in his name and Zayn's name is just weird but girls find it sexy!" Nick explains pointing out Louis and Zayn. Louis is the blue eyed beauty......

Louis stares at me smirking........HOOOOOT! No, stop it Harold, he is bad news......I think....

"I invited you cause I got a question!" Nick states," Do ya take it up the ass!" ..........

When Harry Meets A Punk ~ Larry Stylinson & Ziall MoranWhere stories live. Discover now