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TW-nightmare, blood, the usual

Virgil's pov

Present day

Dear journal,

"What the hell, where am I" I ask as I try to sit up.

"Oh shit sitting up is not an option back down I go" I say and Roman laughs at me. I feel like shit and really stiff but I don't feel the normal pains I do. 'Did they clean me up?' My back starts to ache again and I hear my stomach rumble. I'm sure that Roman does too but Logan is asleep on the couch.

"Oh yeah Patton made you some food" Roman says as he jumps up and grabs a plate from the kitchen. It is some type of food I have never seen before. I scarf it down and Roman stares at me.

"Dang when was the last time you ate anything?" Roman says as he grabs my now empty plate and sets it down on the counter.

"Last time I was with you guys" I say and his eyes go wide.

"Virgil that isn't healthy"

"I wasn't really focused on being healthy, I was more focused on staying sane" I snapped back at him. He doesn't know what I have been through. I have been beaten, starved, and touched in ways he will never understand. I see Logan get up out of the corner of my eye. He takes one look at the situation and walks away.

"I am going to check on my boyfriend, try not to kill each other, and Virgil your stutter is gone. I'm proud" he says as he walks up stairs. I hadn't even noticed but Logan was right my stutter wasn't affecting my talking at all since I woke up. I hear people upstairs and I assume it is Logan and Patton. Saying that they walked down the stairs wouldn't be correct. Logan walked and Patton was carried on his back. I hear Logan grumbling under his breath about how Patton needs to 'take it easy and not use this much energy'. Roman laughs at the two of them and I roll my eyes.

"Let's just get going Roman may you please teleport us to the cave you were speaking about earlier," Logan says as Patton clings onto his back like a baby koala. Roman puts his arm underneath mine and I stand up using him to stand. He snaps his fingers and suddenly we are all in a dark cave. Roman puts a finger to his mouth in the universal way to tell someone to be quiet. Logan starts to summon different sleeping items such as a black tent and light blue sleeping bag.

"I am going to put him down, he needs his rest goodnight you two" Logan whispers as he and Patton retreat into the black tent. Patton gives a small wave from his spot on Logan's back and Logan zips up the tent and turns off the light coming from inside. Roman summons a purple sleeping bag and black tent for me and a red sleeping bag and white tent for him.

"Goodnight Virgil" Roman says as he lays down inside his sleeping bag.

"G'night" I say as I follow his lead and lay down in my purple bag. I close my eyes and let sleep take me.

Roman's pov

Dear journal

I wake up in the middle of the night and hear Virgil mumbling in his sleep. He starts to shift and I move closer to him. I see tears running down his cheeks and his face is twisted in hurt and pain. I try to shake him awake but nothing works. His eyes open slowly then he shoots up from his spot on the ground.

"Virgil it's ok, you're ok I'm here"I say as he latches onto my sash and pulls me close. He continues to sob into my shirt and I hold him close. He mumbles something but it is incoherent in his current state. I push the thought aside and hug him until the crying slows down. Soon I hear soft snores coming from the small boy. Then I feel a wave of drowsiness wash over and I let my eyes shut.

Virgil's pov

Dear journal

I open my eyes and feel a very soft pillow next to me. 'That's new' I think to myself. I look over at the pillow and realize that the thing I am cuddled up too isn't a pillow at all. Roman? I hear rustling coming from behind where Roman and I are sleeping. I see Patton get out of a black tent. He sees Roman and I cuddled up next to each other. He brings his hands up to his face and gasps.

"Oh my god I ship it" the cardigan clad man whispers while silently fan-girl shrieking. Logan hears this noise and comes out.

"Virgil may you wake Roman up we need to get moving" Logan whispers as he tries to calm his fan-girling boyfriend down. I shake Roman and he opens his eyes. He sees the position we were in and his cheeks turn a shade of light pink. He quickly stands up and gathers himself and hoists me up; all of our sleeping items fade from existence.

"Yes good morning to you all let's get moving before the dragon witch wakes up" Roman says. Then he snaps his fingers. We appear in a house and I smell something bitter. 'Is that what coffee smells like? Disgusting'. A man walks into the room. He is wearing a dark brown leather jacket. With a white shirt the reads sleep in black letters. Paired with dark blue jeans. The man is holding a mug of coffee and isn't shocked at all to see us.

"What up bitches is this the kid you guys were talking about" the man asks.

"Yes Remy this is Virgil please take care of him. Dolin should be arriving soon but otherwise you two are on your own" Logan says as he shakes Remy's hand.

"No problem babes have fun" he says with a wink. Then Roman and Patton give me a hug and Logan gives me a quick nod and snaps his fingers. My three friends disappear, leaving me alone with a bitter smelling Remy.

First half was by Liz second half by Alec

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