Chapter 34: missing

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When I woke up in the morning it was Monday. I hate Monday's, they're just such long tiring days. I did out of bed and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I decided that I would just put my hair up in a ponytail since I have t done that in a while then I got changed.

 I decided that I would just put my hair up in a ponytail since I have t done that in a while then I got changed

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My hair was pretty messy today but honestly I didn't care

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My hair was pretty messy today but honestly I didn't care. Once I finished getting ready I went downstairs and saw only Tayler there. "Where's Bryce?" Tayler laughed and said "he's not allowed back to school yet so he's staying home." Oh yeah, I forgot about him getting hurt.  I nodded my head ok and tayler said "ready to go?" I said "I think I'm gonna ride my skate board to school. I'll see you later." Tayler said "ok, be careful." I smiled and said "of course. Bye!" "Bye." I went into the garage and got my board and rode off.

I loved to skate. I don't really know why but it was always just so fun for me. It took me about ten minutes to get to the school. Once I got there I went to my locker and got my skateboard inside of it somehow. I got my books out and went to class since I was almost late. Let's see what ms fisher has to say today..

"Good morning students. We are gonna be having student teacher conferences. Nicole your first. In the hall." I rolled my eyes and got up. "Nicole I am so tired of seeing you In my classroom. I do not want you to be here any longer but I can't kick you out of my class so you go figure something out." What the actual fuck. "And I don't like your class either but I just deal with it. I can't change my classes, it's too late now." Me fisher rolled her eyes and I just walked away. I didn't go back into the room but instead I went to my locker and got my board and left.

I can't believe she had that audacity to say that to me. Well, more free time to me.. right? I skated around the town and ended up around Floyd high school. I skated around that neighborhood and then heard someone call my name. I turned around and saw Jackson. My heart began to race, a lot. I skated away and he chased me.

Eventually he caught up to me and then everything just went black. I woke up and I had a pounding headache. My wrists were tied up on a bed. Oh no please no.. not again..

I moved my body around trying to get out but that made it worse. Here comes Jackson. He came into the room and said "hey babe." "J-Jackson please no.. I don't w-want this.." Jackson said "well too bad. I want this." He then got on top of me and raped me again. I couldn't move. I was frozen in fear.

~joshs pov~
When ms fisher said she was doing student confernmences I knew she just wanted to talk to nicole because she called her out first. After a couple minutes ms fisher cane back in but no Nicole. I looked over at Charli then at jaden. They both shrugged because they had no clue where she went.

I took out my phone and texted her a couple times but no response. I raised my hand and said "can I go use the bathroom?" Mess fisher said "yeah whatever." I nodded and left the room. I looked around for Nicole but saw nothing. I remember her running into the school with her skateboard so I went to her locker and checked if it was there but nothing. Now I'm worried. I went out of the school to my car and called tayler since I knew he would be home.
(J=Josh t=tayler)
J: hey tayler
T: hey josh what's up?
J: have you seen nik? She just disappeared.. she was here but now she's gone and no one knows where she went.
T:what do you mean she's gone?! Oh god.. no I haven't seen her since this morning.
J: ok call me if you see her and I will let you know if I see her.

Shit shit shit. Nicole is gone. Where the hell could this girl possibly be. I drove around for a while  looking for her. Nothing. I saw tayler driving around too with Bryce. They both looked worried sick.. I was too. I drove around by Floyd high and didn't see anything till I noticed a skateboard in the middle of the street. I went closer to it and saw it was Nicole's. I picked it up and put it in my car and continued to drive around when it hit me. Jackson did something to her.

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