Chapter 52: saturday

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I woke up in the morning, well early afternoon. It was about 11:30 and Josh was still holding onto me with one arm and using the other for his phone. "Well good morning sleepy head." I smiled a little and said in my croaky morning voice "good morning early bird." Josh laughed and kissed my forehead then said "the boys are coming over, you wanna stay?" I smiled and said "of course I do." Josh laughed and said "we are gonna go in the pool so how about I drive you home so you can get changed then we come back."

"Sounds good, give me a few minutes though.. I'm tired." Josh giggled and lifted me into his lap while wiping the hair out of my face. "Your cute when you sleep princess." I smiled and said "you sure about that?" We both laughed and hungout in joshs room for a bit then got out of bed to go stop at my house. We went down to joshs car and josh drove me home.

While driving Josh put the radio on and one of my favorite songs came on, Empire State Of mind. The song was about New York which I've always wanted to go to. It's one of the most beautiful and popular cities in the country. I was thinking so much about the song that I didn't even notice I was singing, like loud enough for josh to hear. "Hold up, you can sing..?" Josh said while looking towards me with wide eyes.

I quickly stopped singing and said "n-no. Sorry I was just.." Josh just smiled at me. Oh no. He's gonna say something. "Princess you have the voice of an angel." I smiled once he said that. I've never really sung around anyone. Maybe around the house once or twice but nothing too big. I sing in my room a lot when I'm in a good mood, play my guitar when I'm upset, and do both when I'm just bored. "Y-you think?" Josh smiled at me and said "I sure hit jackpot with you baby. Name something you can't do." 

I laughed, there's a lot I can't do. "You really want me to, it will ruin the mood." Josh smiled and said "say it." I started to ramble on with a bunch of things. "... and getting a break from Jackson." Josh laughed and said "Jackson we all gotta deal with, and those other things don't even matter princess. I don't care if your bad at something, I love you for being yourself." I smiled and noticed we were just pulling up in front of the house. "I will be right back." Josh nodded and I ran inside.

"Hey Nik." Bryce said as I ran in. "I'm leaving again! Just grabbing clothes!" Bryce said ok and I changed into my bikini and put on some shorts and a tshirt.

 "I'm leaving again! Just grabbing clothes!" Bryce said ok and I changed into my bikini and put on some shorts and a tshirt

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Once I changed I brushed my hair quickly and ran back outside to joshs car

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Once I changed I brushed my hair quickly and ran back outside to joshs car. Josh smiled at me and said "I'm not getting hoodie or sweats back, am I?" I smiled and said "nope. They're comfy and I feel like I'm with you when I wear them." Josh smiled and kissed me on the cheek and started driving back to his house.

When we got there the boys were waiting outside so we all went out to the backyard and jumped into the pool. We all played around in the pool like kids, it was fun. That's basically all we did that day. Nothing special or exciting. Just a bunch of kids having fun.

You know, now that I say this.. I think this is my first real friend group. Growing up it was always just me and Charli. Now it's me Charli and a bunch of boys. Wait, overprotective boys. They're all overprotective of us. Yes, even Charli. Josh and jaden the most. I think jaden and Charli have something going on, they seem so flirty around each other. I hope they get together soon, they're cute together.

Once it was around 9:00 the boys all left. Probably because it was getting cold or something. I don't know. Now It was just me and josh in the pool.

I was sitting in the corner of the pool just relaxing on one of the pool floats when u felt someone pick me up. I wasn't paying attention so it really scared me. I jumped up and noticed it was only josh. He gave me his cute little smirk and said "sorry princess, but your cute when your scared." I smiled and lightly hit his arm. He smiled back at me and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back and we started to make out. I pulled away smiling and said "I liked that."

Josh smiled back. He got out of the pool and laid on one of the pool chairs so I got out too. I smiled and laid on top of him. Josh smiled at me and pulled me up closer to him and kissed my neck. I smiled while he did and accidentally let out a moan. Josh smiled and said "found your sweet spot baby." I let out a small laugh and let him continue what he was doing, I didn't mind it.

We sat out there for about an hour and I fell asleep on josh but I don't think he noticed. It was also getting cold.. probably because we just got out of the pool. I started to shiver since I was freezing so josh said "ok let's go inside princess." I didn't respond since I was asleep so josh carefully carried me up to his room. I woke up as he was bringing me up the stairs. I tucked my head into him and said "I-I'm freezing." Josh laughed a little and said "I know here I have some clothes you can use that I probably won't get back." I smiled and once he set me down in his room he handed me the clothes while saying "I'm gonna shower, you ok here princess?" I nodded and once he got into the bathroom I changed. I didn't get my hair wet so I didn't need to shower right away.

While I was waiting for josh a texted tayler letting him know I'm staying over.

Nicole: im staying at joshs again, I accidentally fell asleep out by the pool and it's already late.
Tayler: ok please don't be stupid and will I see you tomorrow?
Nicole: most likely, yes. Goodnight.
Tayler: goodnight

I closed the messages and went onto tiktok to see what's new. I saw Charli posted a video of her and jaden, it was cute. I like the video and scrolled onto the for your page. I saw a bunch of funny videos and then came across a page with the username @nicolehall_is.ugly so I opened it. It was a bunch of videos of me with josh, some with jaden, and some with the football team. Most of them had a caption calling me a slut. That's not something I want to see. There was a video of me on the page that was just me and the caption said "if you think she's ugly comment."

I mean, I don't think I'm pretty so I commented on it "I agree, she's super ugly and is probably a waste of space in the world." I started to feel insecure about myself now. Imagine how many other people think I'm ugly or a slut. I shut off my phone leaving the tiktok page open and laid down and before josh cane out I cried myself to sleep.. but silently though so he didn't hear.

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