Protecting her

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We are at a hotel, we decided to stay in here for awhile until we found a new house to live in. We are still looking for informations about the assassins who destroyed our house. I massaged my temple to calm myself.

"Lisa our necklaces were there, do you think they took it?" Rosé said and i immediately looked at her, shit why didn't I remember about the necklaces, i told the girls that i will go back and look for the necklaces and they all nodded and told me to be careful.

I went out and drove my way going to the mansion. I arrived there and turned on my flashlight since it was already dark and looked everywhere for a box which  contains our necklaces. I cursed under my breath when i still did not find it and I've been looking for minutes already.

I gave up and went back to my motorbike and went back to the hotel. The girls noticed me as soon as i enter our room.

"I did not find it" i said and they all sighed.

"We'll go to the headquarters tomorrow after class and have a meeting about it, let's not worry about it for today, we all need to rest" jennie unnie said and i just nodded and went inside my room.

Morning came and i did my necessary things and wore my uniform, i went out and my unnies are already in the kitchen. I went near them and ate my breakfast.

We went to school after eating breakfast and we all went to our classes. I walked going to my classroom when suddenly someone grab my wrist. I turned around and look at the person and it was one of tzuyu's friend. I looked at her and it was the girl who saw our necklace, dahyun.

"What do you want?" I asked and she gulped and placed down her hand and looked down.

"I-i need h-help" she said and i noticed how she was always looking around and looked scared.

"Go ask help to your barbies" i said and was about to walk passed her when the next thing she said made me stop.

"I know who is after you" i immediately looked at her shocked, i eyed her carefully. Did they send her to spy on us?

"And do you think, i will trust you? I'm not that dumb" i answered and she looked around and looked really scared. What the hell is she looking at? I looked around and noticed a man wearing all black with a mask and a hat. I looked at dahyun and she was also looking at the man and her eyes widen.

The man looked at our direction and pulled out a gun, shit. I grabbed dahyun and ran away as fast as possible. Other students also heard the gunshots and started to run around. I went inside the dance room and pulled dahyun inside and locked the door. I looked at the room and bts and my unnies were there.

My unnies went near me and started to ask me questions about what the gunshots was about. I did not answer them and looked at dahyun who was shaking in fear.

"Explain" i told her and she slowly looked at me. She opened her mouth but no words were coming out. I sighed and got a bottle of water and handed it to her. Everyone in the room was shocked about my actions.

She hesitantly got the bottle from my hand and slowly opened it and drink from it.

"Calm yourself first before you speak to us" i said calmly and went to sit in the corner of the room and my unnies following me. The boys just looked at us and then to dahyun.

"Why is she with you?" Rosé asked me and i sighed and looked at dahyun who was still shaking and trying to calm herself down.

"She know who's after us, and also i think her life's on the line" i answered them and they all widen their eyes and looked at dahyun who was already calmer that before.

She slowly went near us and we all looked at her, the boys followed behind her and i looked at them.

"We will talk about something private, do you mind staying in the other corner of the room?" Jisoo unnie said and the boys hesitantly nodded and went to the other side of the room, the room was big enough so they are staying in the other side for them not hear everything.

"Now speak" lisa said and dahyun immediately looked at her.

"I-i'm part of the poseidon mafia, i-i was being t-threatened by the leader that he will kill my family if i don't kill all of you" she said and as soon as i heard the last sentence, i clenched my face and looked at her.

"So? What do you want us to do? We will let you kill us so that your family could live? Is that what you want?" I said through gritted teeth and she abruptly shook her head.

"N-no t-that's not what i meant, i mean, i-i am willing to help you destroy Poseidon in exchange that you will protect my family from those bastards" she said almost shouting and i was shocked by how she did not stutter saying the last sentence.

I looked at my members and looked at dahyun. If she could help us then we would not let this opportunity pass.

"Just don't betray us, or else we would be the one to end your bloodline" i warned her and she widen her eyes but then smiled and nodded her head.

I gave her my number so she contact me in what plans Poseidon might do next. I also told her to call me if she ever feels someone is following her. As of now we are still waiting for the announcement about the shooting that happened earlier, i'm sure the faculties are aware of what happened.

Dahyun was sitting with us and just focused on her phone. I looked at her suspiciously and as she noticed my stare she gulped and turned off her phone.

"Just don't break our trust dahyun, we rarely trust others" Jennie said and it was loud enough to caught the boys attention. They looked at our way and jennie just rolled their eyes at them.

"What happened between your group and them?" Dahyun asked while pointing at bts.

"It's none of your business, it doesn't mean we agreed to help you we will also tell you our problems" i said calmly and just keep scrolling through my phone.

"A-ah yes, sorry" she replied and i just nodded. I was just scrolling through my phone when i notice bts in front of us.

I looked at them with a questioning look. Jungkook was hiding something behind his back. I rolled my eyes, is he even trying to give me flowers even in this situation?

"Don't even think i'm going to give you flowers doll" he said and smirked. Okay, that was embarrassing.

"What do you want?" I asked him and he placed his hands in front and it was a familiar box. I immediately took it away from him and gave the box to jennie.

"Thanks" I said and continued to scroll through my phone. Jennie opened the box and i heard gasps. I looked at the girls and jennie, rosé , jisoo and even dahyun widen their eyes as they looked inside the box. Why are their faces like that? I went near them and my phone dropped. My necklace was not inside.

"They really want war huh, well i'll give it to them" i said coldly and clenched my fist.

 [DISCONTINUED] LOVE or DEATHWhere stories live. Discover now