No Spoilers

662 21 8

Addy POV

After moving out of our apartments in Atlanta and back into our places in L.A. this summer has been extremely busy for us all.

It's been full of network events and promotion opportunities to hype up the season since it first premiered after the MTV Movie Awards last month.

We're in San Diego now for the comic con and this year has already been so different from last year with the increased amount of interviews, autograph tables and meet and greets with the fans– especially since last year we had none of that.

Waiting on the stage- behind the curtains that are keeping us out of sight from the audience gathering in the room for our first ever proper panel- I pivot around and resume my pacing steps with Dylan standing near me, however, safely out my pacing path.

So far we're the only two from the cast that got here a little earlier than when we were supposed to, so as we wait for everyone else to get here– of course my mind is running a mile a minute thanks to my nerves freaking out.

My words come tumbling out of my mouth just as quickly as my feet are moving along the backstage floor "How are you even remotely prepared for having to give this kind of interview? What the hell do we say?"

Dylan looks over and answers right away "We just answer the–"

"How do I answer a question without being a stuttering incoherent mess?" I interrupt him quickly and he pushes off the side wall and steps up right in front of me, effectively stopping my pacing steps "Adds, come on– look at me,"

I feel him set his hands on my upper arms, however I don't look up at him– instead my eyes drop to his hands and that brings on another round of questions as I look down at my own hands "What do I do with my arms– my hands? What do I–"

"Hey show me your blues," he urges gently and his words cause me to pause for a moment as I register them.

"My– wait, what?" I question and quickly lift my eyes up to his, watching as he smiles almost shyly, clears his throat and lifts his hand up to scratch behind his neck "Your eyes, show me your eyes..."

"That's not what you said" I reiterate softly and he nods his head to the side in a quick motion "No, no it wasn't but I mean the– the meaning is the same..."

I smile and question brightly "Meaning might be the same, however, I've never heard that before– why did you say blues?"

Hearing another throat clear from him I watch as he drops his hand back down to his side and lets out a sigh before he reluctantly answers "Because your eyes are a shade of blue I've never seen before and it's kind of more fun to say than 'stop freaking out and just fucking look at me'."

I snort and nod with his words for a few seconds before I lift the corner of my mouth and shrug with my reply "Well, Dylio, I quite like it– yet again something no one has ever said to me before."

Dylan smiles with my words and moves his eyes around my face "There you are– calmer already, all right take a deep breath..."

I do as he instructs, breathing in and out with him a few times and feeling calmer already.

He takes a moment and nods before he continues "Interviews are the easiest thing– you just answer their question and try to talk to them like you're talking to one of us because they're asking the questions that the fans will want to hear about. Just make sure you answer vaguely if it's about anything that hasn't actually aired yet."

Licking my lips quickly, I nod with my answer "Right, vague... I can do vague"

He laughs and nods his head to the side "Look, last year everything was pretty tame since no one really knew who we were or what we were creating. This year the show is airing right now and episode eight just aired last week so obviously no one knows what's coming for the finale so we just steer clear of those spoilers."

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