Unit Base

550 17 7

Addy POV

We've got an early morning today, starting as soon as the sun comes up- since we'll be filming scenes outside and we have to make use of the limited daytime we have at this time of year.

I'm already changed into my distressed light grey henley and olive green distressed skinny jeans so I grab the script while I wait for Dylan to get changed back into his wardrobe as well.

Over our morning caffeine fix we've been going over the scenes we'll have outside and inside the club today. There's barely any lines so that's not been too difficult, it's more how we want the scenes to look- especially after we kiss and I have to walk away from him.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" Dylan asks as he sits down beside me, instantly bringing me out of my inner thoughts since I hadn't even heard him walk out here with me.

I make a noise while I toss my script onto the table in front of me, looking up at him "Can someone's head be pretty?"

He just beams and lifts a shoulder while he states brightly "Yes, aside from your gorgeous face attached to your head you're also ridiculously smart, so your brain is also pretty- anyways stop stalling, what's going on?"

"Nothing" I reply quickly and he just rolls his eyes with an over dramatic huff "Adds, this never worked before and now I can do this-" he exemplifies his words by leaning forward and pressing his lips onto mine, moaning a little as he grabs the sides of my face gently and tilts my head to the side.

After successfully kissing me into next week he pulls back just far enough that his lips brush with mine as he murmurs "Now that that's settled, tell me what's on your mind..."

"Well that's not fair" I grumble, slowly opening my eyes until they connect with his and I watch as he winks with his cheeky reply "Never said it would be."

At the look I throw him he laughs and gently rubs his nose along the side of mine, repeating once more "Adds come on, talk to me."

Feeling silly, I let out a small huff as my eyes drop to my hands that are on his chest "It's not a big deal, just thinking about the, uh, the club scenes we've got today."

"Oh" he answers with a little nod before his eyes widen "Oh right- okay, I uh, you know that that's only happening because we have to and I don't- we don't- there's not anything- fuck I really don't know how to make this better."

"You don't have to say anything to make this better, I know all of that- I just..." I shake my head, my eyes dropping to my lap "It's just a bit weird to get used to- imagining you kissing someone else."

"Yeah, tell me about it" he grumbles and I quickly look back up to him, raising a brow while I state with a little laugh "I'm not kissing anyone else in this movie."

"No, not in this movie" he nods, his eyes dropping to the ground by our feet.

I lean forward getting right in his line of sight and he laughs, clearing his face from the seriousness that was just threatening to show as he lifts his head up "Well good chat, babe- you hungry?" he rushes out and stands up, moving past me to head to the mini fridge.

Confusion completely overcomes my entire face as I scrunch my brows together and call after his retreating back "Umm, hello?"

"Heya hot stuff" he quips, winking at me once more while he looks over his shoulder towards me and I scoff lightly "Dyl"

"Yes baby?" he smiles wide and I level him with a look like I'm not at all buying his stalling attempt right now "Are you done?"

"Are you done?" he repeats and I also stand up, closing the space between us he previously created and I cross my arms over my chest when I stop in front of him "So we only have to talk when something is bothering me but when something is obviously bothering you, we don't have to talk about it?"

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now