Filming Schedules

780 20 4

Addy POV

Changed into the wardrobe for today, a chunky aqua sweater that's loose enough to fall down one shoulder that I'm definitely asking to keep and a pair of distressed jean shorts, I walk over to my trailer to grab something to drink and a snack before we start filming today.

Once I open the door a smile spreads across my face when I see Dylan already waiting inside and sitting on the couch "Hey"

He stands up nervously and returns my greeting while I head to the fridge "Hey, you look great today"

I turn my head to the side and smile over my shoulder at him "Thanks– what's wrong with you?"

Uncapping the bottle of iced tea I take a sip as I turn to face him, watching as he jerks his head back with a playful little scoff "What, now I need a reason to give you a compliment?"

I swallow my tea and smirk as I recap the bottle and lean my back against the counter, crossing my arms over my chest "No calm down sparky, I was more asking in regards to you looking like an anxious ball of nerves when I walked in."

Clearing his throat through his obvious embarrassment, he slides the sleeves on his red plaid shirt up to his elbows and scratches behind his head with one hand "Sorry I just– I've been keeping something from you"

"Uh-oh" I mutter without missing a beat and he shares a chuckle with me before he shakes his head quickly "No nothing bad, I just wanted to wait to tell you until it was confirmed and I just got the call a little bit ago."

I push off from my lean against the counter and drop my arms down to my sides "Until what was confirmed?"

"I booked a role... in a movie" he trails off and a smile instantly lights up my face "Dyl!" I exclaim with a little excited squeal that has him laughing as I close the space between us.

I push up on my toes and wrap my arms around his shoulders while he leans forward and wraps his arms around my waist "I'm so fucking happy and proud of you!"

He chuckles and increases his hold around me, murmuring softly "Thanks, Adds."

Offering another little squeeze, I lean back just enough to look at him and place my hands on his shoulders "Tell me more– what's the movie, what's the role?"

Dylan clears his throat and smiles while he announces "They're uh– they're making a Maze Runner adaptation..."

I make a noise, widening my eyes slightly with the exciting news that it's finally being adapted. He however leaves me hanging and I shake his shoulders a little "Oh my god I'm dying here– you got a role in the Maze Runner?! Who are you playing?"

Dyl laughs with my reaction, seeming to take it all in before he finally announces "I got– uh, I got Thomas"

I couldn't even hide my excitement if I tried while I pull him in for another hug, hearing his deep chuckle near my ear.

"Why were you so nervous to tell me?" I question, reluctantly pulling back from his embrace and watch as he licks his lips quickly and shrugs "I know how much this series means to you and I don't know– I didn't want anything to be a disappointment to you."

"You playing Thomas will single handedly ensure I will not be dissapointed"

He throws me a look with my words and I just return with a shrug "I'm serious, you're going to crush this and the movie world will not be prepared– I can't believe you didn't tell me you got an audition."

If I'm not mistaken I think I watch him blush as his eyes drop down to the floor quickly and he stammers out "I, well you're– you're kind of the reason I even went out for the audition in the first place–"

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now