Switching Sets

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Addy POV

Grabbing the few reusable bags and my weekend bag from the front seat, I close the passenger door and reach down to grasp the handle of the mini ice chest and keep it as steady as I can while I turn and head in the direction of the trailers on the set lot.

Once I open the door to Dyl's trailer I hear his groan in lieu of a hello, feeling bad for him instantly at the state of him "How're you feeling?"

One more groan muffled by the blanket followed by a series of coughs before he throws the blanket off his arms and flops them down to his sides "Like I'm dying- you shouldn't be here."

"Why not?" I laugh a little and set the ice chest on the counter before gently dropping the bags onto the floor.

"Because I don't want you to get sick" he answers like it's obvious and I scoff lightly "You've been sick for days so I've already been exposed to you when you were contagious" I start to take out the contents of the ice chest and place them on the counter "Which means I'm not going anywhere- unless you don't want me to take care of you."

He's silent for a moment before he croaks out "You want to take care of me?"

"Of course I do, sicky" I answer brightly and reach down to grab the remaining bags, hearing him sigh out with an adorable whine "Baby..."

"What?" I look over my shoulder and see him smile softly, shaking his head a little "Not a question just an endearing, I love you, pitiful sigh."

I smile with his words and hold the soup bowl in my hands as I make my way over to him "I love you and I made you some soup."

He sits up a little, his eyes moving from my face and to the bowl in my hands "You made-"

"Yes" I interrupt and throw him a look like he shouldn't question my cooking skills, to which he laughs and coughs again before I continue "And even if you don't want to eat the chicken and veggies in it- you need to have the broth at least."

"Well with a nurse like you, how can I argue that?" He smirks and wraps his hands around the bowl, sighing contently and somewhat huddling it closer against him "Oh it's so warm."

I chuckle and kiss his cheek, setting a napkin with a spoon beside him while he sips at the broth after blowing on it.

"Fuck that's good" he murmurs and I throw him a smirk "Why would you question if it was good or not?"

"Wasn't questioning anything, thank you for this-" he smiles and nods his head back towards my set up "What's up with the other bags?"

Smiling brightly I set my hands on my hips "I brought an arsenal of make you feel better items."

"Yeah?" he laughs, coughing a little before he swallows another sip of the soup "What kind of items?"

"Mum made you her honey lemon tea, which is in the thermos, and gave me enough to make you three more servings if you so desire" he smiles with my words before I look back to the bags and start listing off the items "Plus I got you some cough drops, more water since I saw you were running low, crackers for the soup and a few lighter snacks if you were in the mood for something a little heavier than soup, um, oh some ginger ale, tissues, ice cream because for some reason that always sounds really good when I'm sick, Vics and also eucalyptus oil because to me that's not has heavy feeling as the Vics- and not to be a crazy essentials oil person but that's one I've liked using when I'm congested, so yeah- what, why are you looking at me like that?"

He has his brows drawn in a little while he's moving his eyes around my face, flicking them over to the bags every so often as I checked off the items I had gotten together for him.

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