On Location

726 21 22

Addy POV

We have landed in Albuquerque, New Mexico and are currently riding in the back seat of the town car that picked us up from the airport.

Our flight was earlier this evening so with the time difference we're arriving in the city pretty late which is actually a good thing because we're exhausted and trying to be lively for any fans that we may have encountered at the airport was not looking like an option.

When we got in the car Dylan had scoffed and reached over to unbuckle my seatbelt, gripping onto my thigh as he pulled me into the middle seat beside him and redid my seatbelt for me "There we go."

I laughed and waited until he secured his own seatbelt and was comfy before I cuddled into his side, laying my head on his shoulder. I felt his chest shake a little in his silent laughter while he laid his head on mine and wrapped his arm behind me, setting his free hand on my thigh again "Now you're getting it."

I laid my arm over his stomach and had lifted my head up to press a kiss against his jaw "We were just in a limited space on the plane, didn't know if you'd want your space or not to stretch out right now."

He increased his hold on me and pulled me impossibly closer against him while he pressed a kiss to my forehead and mumbled sleepily "Cuddle time with you is always on the table, baby."

aaaaand swoon.

After that was established we stayed cuddled into each other while we rode through the city on our way to the outskirts of Albuquerque where the base of our on location set has been set up.

Once we arrive on set Kaya, Thomas, Ki Hong and Dexter greet us with big smiles and massive bear hugs. I've not seen any of them since the beginning of last summer, though I've kept in contact with Kaya as much as our schedules have allowed us to.

Thomas slings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side "We've all just been chatting about how glad we are that you got cast to be with us for the film, love."

Everyone nods when I look around at the group and I throw them a grateful look "Thanks guys- I tend to be more emotional when I'm tired so mind ya business if you see me crying right now."

They laugh and Dylan winks when I look over at him before my attention is brought back to Kaya. She claps her hands together with an excited little dance before she steals me from Thomas and wraps me in a side hug "I quite liked being the only girl last time but the fact that it's you here with us this time is just going to be absolutely smashing."

I laugh with her and return her hug, my eyes instantly moving over towards Dylan who has the softest smile on his face as he watches me interact with this group whom he loves dearly.

"Right, not all the trailers are here yet so Addy's rooming with me" Kaya announces not even a second later and the look that overcomes Dylan's face is one I would have paid good money for it to be recorded. He looks between us quickly, muttering without missing a beat "Wait–"

"You don't expect her to room with one of you wankers do you?" Kaya interrupts him as she lets go of me and sets her hands on her hips.

I snort into my shoulder, attempting to cover up my laugh with a cough when Dylan glares over at me yet directs his words towards her "Of course not"

"Good that's settled then" she states once more and links her arm with mine, apparently ready to lead me over towards the trailers.

"Kaya! I did not agree to this" Dylan shouts and I share a humor filled look with Thomas who looks from me and over towards Dylan "And you're in charge of her sleeping arrangements, why?"

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now