Supporting Role

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Addy POV

The filming schedule for the last seven episodes has been a whirlwind and tonight we are filming the scenes for Lydia's birthday party.

Holland looks gorgeous in her first dress of the evening and does a little twirl while my makeup team does the finishing touches on my face and hair.

I set my phone down on the counter and look at her in the mirror "This dress is pretty but I love the blue one you change into just that much more."

She beams at me and nods, running her hands down the sides of the dress "Couldn't agree more babe– though I'm freakin' in love with your dress."

She tilts her head towards the dress hanging up and I smile at her through the mirror while I whisper "I seriously want to ask them if I can keep it."

"If Dylan can keep as many sweatshirts as he has– you can definitely ask for a dress that won't be getting disgusting prop goop on it," she states with a little click of her tongue and we all share a laugh.

Crystal walks up the steps inside the trailer smiling wide and muttering her hellos to all of us, which we return while she walks over to sit down and wait for me to be done.

The makeup artists start packing up and I admire their handiwork, leaning closer to the mirror "Thank you for making me look natural without trying– you guys are the real MVP's."

Autumn laughs and shoulders her bag, shaking her head on her way out the door and down the steps "Our pleasure babe, besides it's easy with you– have a great shoot tonight, we're on standby for touch ups if you need us."

Once they leave, Holl helps me into the maroon lace covered dress I got lucky enough to be chosen to wear and zips it up for me, moving my hair back into place once she's finished.

"So–" she mutters a little too high pitched which causes me to turn around, facing her and Crys and seeing Holl raise her brows while she continues "Have you two practiced for your kiss you have tonight?"

They both give me the same knowing looks and I inwardly groan, attempting to fight off my nerves that have been battling through my entire body all day as I drop my eyes to the floor between us and answer her "No– no we haven't and I seriously can't even think about talking about it."

"I thought you'd want to kiss him..." Crystal trails off gently and I release a quick sigh, closing my eyes before I open them and look up at her "Of course I do, but that doesn't help my current freak out situation and the fact that I really have no idea what I'm doing."

Holland scrunches her lips to the side, tilting her head slightly as she offers "Well I'd suggest you just pull him off to the side, since we have time before you have to film your hallucination, and go over how exactly he's planning on pushing you up against a wall and kissing you silly for the first time."

Crystal nods eagerly with that suggestion and I give them both an incredulous look while I counter on a laugh "That's literally not how the kiss is described."

Holland shrugs while she argues "Doesn't mean he won't take advantage of the situation to finally kiss you, babe."

I look between them, wondering what that's supposed to mean before Crystal makes a noise and changes topics slightly "Dylan's been acting weird lately don't you think?"

I make a face and think about that before I shake my head softly "I haven't noticed anything weird..."

"Really?" she jerks her head back, raising a brow and sharing a look with Holland like I have to be a moron for not noticing his weird behavior as of late.

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now