Play the Trailer

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Addy POV

Following the directions given to the car that picked me up from the airport, we drive down the city streets of Baton Rouge where the cast is staying at a Hotel while they film.

They have built their set and are filming just outside of Baton Rouge on 18 acres of a 200 acre local farm which Dylan had informed me of when he gave me the first FaceTime tour that he could.

That was just over a month ago and on the next FaceTime call I was introduced to Thomas, Ki Hong, Will and Kaya– who took the phone from Dylan and I chatted with her for the rest of the call while the guys played video games in one of their hotel rooms.

Kaya quickly became my friend and she chats with me almost as much as Dylan since they've been filming.

She's also the reason for my surprise visit to the set, claiming that that good of a mate with Dylan paired with my love of the book series should mean I get to visit them on set.

So Kaya figured out what days in filming would work best, which happened to line up with a mini break I had with my Davina filming schedule, and next thing I knew I was booking a ticket and flying over here for the weekend.

The driver gives our information to the outside security and I see Kaya's excited face bounding towards the car as soon as we park.

I laugh as I climb out "Oh my lord you're not on a phone screen!"

She laughs and wraps her arms around me "Fuck, it's so good to see you in person"

Grabbing my hand after I shoulder my bag, she smiles with a little wink "Come on– he's going to lose his shit."

We walk through the front lobby and head straight for the elevators to head up to the rooms. As soon as the doors close I look over at her "So he really has no idea?"

She laughs "Not a one, I basically only chatted with Wes about it if he would be okay with it, which he agreed instantly. Thomas knows but he's having as much fun as I am with having to keep this secret."

"I'm not sure how he feels about my surprise appearances though" I mutter, instantly nervous that maybe this wasn't a good idea– though Kaya squashes that thought instantly "Ha, well based on him bringing up the other two times on his own and the smile on his face when he talked about both of them– he's a fan of you surprising him."

"He said that?" I question softly and she smirks "Yup," popping the 'p' and everything "May I ask again why there's not something happening between you two?"

"Oh, we're friends– he's my best friend– and we– we work together," I ramble off lamely, scrunching my nose up into a small grimace almost instantly.

Kaya crosses her arms over her chest, making a little 'hmm' noise "Right. I fucking knew it over the phone but now I'm sure of it."

"Sure of what exactly?" I question back towards her and she wastes no time at all to say "That you're in love with him"

I widen my eyes and step closer towards her, flailing my hands a little "Shhh, try not to yell that would you?"

She laughs and throws me a look "He's not going to hear us in the fucking lift, Addy and even if he could maybe he should."

"I've seen you in person not 5 minutes and you're already on your way to not being my bestie anymore" I grumble and she barks out a laugh, stepping up to my side and linking her arm with mine as the lift stops on our floor.

The doors open and she guides us out into the hall, heading for the rooms "Aw, come on it's just a bit of fun– I won't say anything. I'll just give you sly looks from behind him whenever I'm around."

From Work, With Love || Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now